*Thirteen*{Klayton's P.O.V.}

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It's been three weeks and still these fucking fly boys didn't take my advice and head in the eastern direction of the desert, knowing that after a crash my brother probably had no idea which direction to walk in, and it was the only direction they haven't tried yet...after I told them all off, I drug the pilot into the chopper and told him to take me to the eastern route far into the desert and find my brother or I was going to kick his ass. That they have been dilly dallying around long enough, while all the time my brother was out there suffering, in the heat without food and water, and his family was worried to death over him.

The pilot took a deep aggravating sigh and said Criss and the other survivor were probably dead already, especially if they went east from the crash site...because that led deep into the most desolate part of the desert. I sat down in the seat beside him and told him to get this fucking bird in the air and find my brother...even if it was just his body, I pulled him over to face me and told him that we weren't coming back until I found him. The pilot grumbled but turned the bird on to head out, as his assistant hopped in as well to be an extra pair of eyes. I gave Mama D a call and told her that I was very hopeful that I was going to find Criss today now that I got the dumbass pilot to go in the right direction to search for him.

After I hung up with her, she gave Costa a call and told him that she couldn't handle the waiting anymore, and he and JD needed to come get her and take all of them to Las Vegas and wait for Stoney to bring Crisstopher back to them, hopefully, alive and in one piece. Costa told her he was on his way to come and get her, and he and JD felt the same way and wanted to get closer to where they were at least. Dimitra packed her a bag, and waited on the front porch of the house until Costa pulled up in JD's car, he left it running as he ran up to the porch and gave his mom a hug and kiss, then grabbed her bag and walked her down to the car where JD was sitting in the passenger's seat. Costa tossed her bag in the trunk, then helped her into the back seat, and hauled ass to the airport.

JD got the tickets and got on the plane, that was waiting for them, Costa couldn't help it, but gave a humorous chuckle and said how much it would suck if our plane crashed in the same spot in the desert, as Criss's flight, while on our way to Vegas so they could be closer to where he was. Dimitra sarcastically tapped him on the head, and told him now was not the time for his nonsense, because she was a nervous wreck already. Costa kissed her on the forehead and apologized, but he just had to let it out, because it gave him quite the chuckle. JD looked over at him before pulling his hat over his eyes and told him that wasn't funny at all. Costa shrugged his shoulders and said he guessed it just must have been funny by the way it sounded in his own head.

Meanwhile, back in the cave Kc and I finally got to go to sleep now that the storm decided to die down and leave our area. Kc was so exhausted just from being scared of the storm, that she said she didn't want to go anywhere, and that the cave was a good sleeping spot for the day, plus it was cooler in there beens the sun couldn't bear down on us, and the fire could stay lit, because there was a great oxygen flow thru the cave, so I hunkered down beside her and told her I didn't mind taking a day off from walking thru the desert. Then I pulled her closer to me and kissed her very passionately, and asked her if she would give me some attention, because I was very bored and wasn't sleepy, and could really use some entertainment.

Kc turned over away from me and said she was too tired to let me horse around with her...then added rather playfully that I just needed to hold my own for a while...so she could sleep. I moved in closer to her and sexually playful whispered in her ear that she just did it so much better than I did, which got her really laughing at me. At least she wasn't kicking my ass for pestering her...and I gave her a little change of pace and lightened the mood at the same time...the only thing I didn't manage was to actually get her in the mood to romance me. But I wasn't about to give up so easily...so I crawled very close to her and told her in a very cute and silly way that I loved her...I heard her lightly snickering to herself at my utter sexual silliness...so I kept it up until he ignored me. Then I made a little huff and told her that everyone loved me...so she needed to get her sexy little ass over here and love on me too!! She turned around and gave me a very evil look, so I quickly changed my attitude and gave her a cheesy smile and added please very colorfully.

After about twenty more minutes of my silly pleadings and adorable actions I got her interested, and we ended up sharing the long hot day in a very cool and comfortable cave very romantically...it kind of reminded me of some of the chick-flick movies about finding love while on a deserted island...only this was really happening, and we were far away from an island...we were in the frying pan of the desert, after we finished and she was sound asleep in my loving embrace I looked up and wondered if we were ever going to make it out of the desert alive...or if we were going to die alone with just each other for comfort until the end. It kind of made tears in my eyes at the thought of losing her. Then I wondered if my family was still searching for me...but I knew they were, and it gave me a sense of hope for I knew if my brother Stoney was on the hunt...he would never give up until he found me.

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