*Twenty*{Criss's P.O.V.}

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After two weeks, I was finally out of that damned hospital...the first thing that was on my mind was taking Kc out on that very nice steak and fries dinner that she wanted so badly. But of course I had to take my family out afterwards because I knew how badly they worried about me, all the time Kc and I were stuck out in the desert. But as I kept looking over at Kc, I realized that being in the desert alone with Kc for all that time, made me feel not only protective of her, but it made me downright insecure when she wasn't in eyeshot of me...if I couldn't see her I would internally go berzerk.

After the lovely dinner, I had with my family and Kc sitting right beside me, I got to thinking about a certain little promise I made to her while in the desert with her...but when she looked over at me and I quickly looked down at my now very empty plate. I wanted to ask her to marry me so badly right then and there, but I didn't know if all her rambling was just because we were both kind of worried in the desert, not sure if we were gonna die or not...and maybe her telling me she loved me was some kind of panic in the desert, and longing to have something before we died. So instead of asking her I just moved my hand under the table, and wrapped it around hers and gave her a tiny smile.

After my family gave us both a million hugs and telling me how happy they were that I was back at home where I was safe again, then they kissed me about a zillion times before Klayton could get them loaded into the vehicle to take them back to their rooms to get some sleep, for they all had a long plane trip back to New York in the morning. Klayton gave us both a hug and said he would see us later as he playfully said after he tucked in his family for their long trip back home again in the morning. Then he hopped in the driver's seat and took off. I was still holding onto Kc's hand when I turned to face her and asked her if she felt like taking a walk with me around the park to let some of the good food digest a little before bedtime.

Kc gave me a warming smile and leaned in toward me, and said she would love to. Once we got halfway thru the park and I sat down on one of the stone benches next to the pond. I patted on the seat beside me for her to sit with me for a while to watch the sunset with me, I slowly wrapped my arm around her and placed my hand on hers, as we just gazed at the beautiful clouds around the sun as it was going to sleep. Then all the park lights automatically came on to lighten our path back to The Luxor where I was going to ask her to stay with me. After the sun went down Kc tried to get up and keep walking, but I playfully pulled her back down on my lap and hesitantly asked her if all we shared in the desert was real...or if it was just the craziness of two people that were stuck in the desert with each other and feeling lonely and afraid of not living day by day.

Kc looked down at our hands for a moment, then leaned back and laid her head on my shoulder and said that she meant everything she said out there...but quickly added that if I didn't feel the same way she would understand because I was pretty messed up from that snake bite. I wrapped both of my arms around her waist and gave her a hug, as I gently kissed her neck and told her that I made her a promise, and I fully wanted to keep that promise if she'd let me because I would be truly lost without her. I felt her entire body relax after I said that, and it told me that she was happy with my words, as it dawned on me that Kc didn't have anyone or anywhere to go, since her uncle was killed in the wreck...my sweet and adorable Kc needed me almost as badly as I needed her.

I stood up and lifted her into my arms as I walked goofily behind her while kissing on her neck and asked her if she was in the mood to marry me yet. Kc stopped dead in her tracks and squeezed both of my hands tightly before she spun around rather quickly and jumped into my arms and said she was always ready for me to marry her! Then she pulled me down to her and drowned my ass in kisses. I gave her a very loving squeeze and told her that it was settled then, we were going to get married. As we walked back to the Luxor, I felt as if a huge anchor was lifted off of my chest and my heart fluttered to the skies because my sweet adorable guardian angel that saved my life, really wanted to marry me, and spend the rest of her life with me!!

Once I got her into my suite, I showed her around and asked her what she thought of it, she plopped on the large plush sofa and said it was an awesome room. I chuckled a little bit and told her the bedroom was a lot more awesome than the sofa was, then added devilishly that it was also a lot more roomy, where a couple of people could sleep and have fun without being crammed like sardines in a can. That made Kc laugh for quite a while at my extremely silly and horny and somewhat perverted comment, but she jumped off the couch and quickly grabbed my hand as she ran passed me and drug my ass into the back bedroom, then she let go of my hand and took a wild dive into the bed and hid from me under the covers, it was the same game she played with me while we were in the desert, so as I turned off the lights I leaped into the bed to locate my sweet and very sexy Kc under the blankets.

Three months went by and Kc and I got married in New York with all my family around us, JD and Lynn, Costa and his wife Kimmy, Mama D, and my buddy Klayton, and his girlfriend Rachel...were all there celebrating our marriage, seven months later, My Lil Snuggle Bunny gave me a son, he was a preemie, but the most adorable little guy ever!! She decided on naming him Johnny Crisstopher after my father and me. As I looked at her while holding her and our son tightly in my arms I kissed her and told her she has made me the happiest man in the world and we lived happily ever after.  ~*LOVE~LIVES~FOREVER!*~*IF YOU TRULY BELIEVE!*

                                       ~*THE END*~

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