*Twelve*{Criss's P.O.V.}

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As I was gently rubbing and caressing her shoulder's and back, she moved slightly away from me, but I lovingly insisted, when she pushed me away from her the third time I laid where she pushed me to and began to pout a little bit, because after the good food and finding a steady supply of water, and a safer place to make camp, I was a little frisky, and she was totally giving me the cold shoulder treatment, and it was so not cool. After she laid back down and closed her eyes slightly, I playfully snuck closer to her and very apprehensively placed my hand around her, and nuzzled her neck and gently placed sweet kisses everywhere I could reach.

Kc turned to me and asked me what my problem was, I moved in closer and told her that after being alone in the desert with her for so long has permanently damaged my brain, and I was dying for her touch, and to touch her. After I told her what was on my mind, she looked at me like she was getting about to slap the shit out of me and run me out of the little homemade tent we used to sleep under during the day, but instead of slapping me, she gently touched my face and slowly pulled me toward her. Then she told me, that the desert loved playing with people and that I really didn't have those feelings, and it was just that she was the only one with me. I gave her a sarcastic smile and told her that it was a pretty good hypothesis as I moved in to give her a kiss, then I told her that I knew what I wanted...and what I wanted was her.

I sat up and turned away from her but never let go of her hand, as I gently rubbed it I turned to face her again and had both of her hands in mine, and begged her if she would let me have her. She looked away for several minutes...but squeezed my hand, and said she has secretly been wanting me too, for the last couple weeks...but she was trying to ignore it. I moved in and wrapped my arms around her and asked her not to ignore it anymore, and instead, indulge them with me. The night moved in and we both felt the coolness of the night surround us. I pulled the blanket over both of us, as I slowly removed my clothes...I reached for her hand and placed it on my chest wanting a little more, as she slowly and a little hesitantly removed her clothes...but she was soon relaxed as soon as she felt the sweet warmth of our bodies together.

I was immediately drowning myself in her touch, the magic of the desert has finally brought us together, the passion and desire was almost too much to control...and neither one of us wanted to control it anymore. She sensually rubbed and caressed every inch of my body as soon as I was ready, I pulled her ever so close to me and sweetly and gently delve into her, as I gently serenaded her into the night. That moment was the greatest night I ever had, and as she lay there sleeping peacefully in my arms, I realized that all those other bitches I thought I was in love with, was just an illusion I made myself see...because what I felt with Kc, was very real and immensely stronger than any other emotion I ever felt with any girl since I was in high school.

I snuggled up to her and whispered in her ear that I never wanted to leave her side, that I was truly in love with her, and that I would be lost without her. Without opening her eyes, she gave me a smile and kissed my neck next to where she was lying and said she loved me too. The night grew darker and colder, as the wind picked up and changed directions, I sat up under the tent I made and looked out into the darkness to try and see if another sandstorm of some kind was trying to sneak up on us, but it wasn't a sandstorm...it was a real storm for I saw the lightning coming from the south. I shook Kc and woke her up and told her we needed to make some kind of shelter, stronger than a mere sheet as a tent, because there was a thunderstorm coming our way, and we were going to get drenched, Kc looked up at me and said a desert storm was worse than a regular storm...and there was no place for us to get out of it.

I wrapped my arms around her and helped her quickly pack up the stuff into the bag, as he searched in the darkness for any kind of shelter a cave or maybe a rock dune on three sides that we could hunker down behind, so we could wait out the storm, and pray that the severe part of the storm would go around us. I grabbed a mesquite branch and made a torch out of it as we traveled, then out of the darkness, Kc pointed to a rock formation on the left side of us we both ran to it, but I told her I would go in first and check it out, then I would be back out to get her if it was safe to use as a shelter. Kc waited outside as it began to pour down rain, and the lightning began to strike all around us.

I ran back out and pulled her in and said it had to be safer than staying out there in the storm. I quickly laid the bedding down for us, then started a fire in the center of the cave, so we could dry off before crawling under the covers. Kc snuggled up in my arms as we both just gazed into the fire together and watched as the flame's silhouettes danced on the far walls of the cave. The thunder grew louder and the lightning flashed more quickly as Kc curled up closer to me, my poor baby girl was afraid of storms. As soon as we were dry, I lovingly carried her to the blankets and snuggled up with her, and told her that she would be safe because I would always be there to protect her.

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