*Eleven*{Kc's P.O.V.}

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After I made Criss take a break from digging, I fell asleep and he must have gotten up while I was still sleeping and went to digging again because I woke up to him screaming, dancing, and laughing maniacally around a small pool of water he managed to dig up...he came over to me and grabbed the water bottle and any container he could find and filled them up to their brim. He didn't hesitate at all when he came over to me he dumped the water all over me and said he hit the mother load of water! Then he pulled me up and took me to the little pool of water he made for us both. I looked down at it and held onto his arm and said it definitely was a beautiful sight. I watched as Criss jumped down into the pool of water and kept slinging wet sand making the pool larger, and deeper. The sun was no longer at it highest peak in the sky and the temperature slowly began to cool. I knew what he was up to which I thought was immature but cute at the same time...after he made it big and deep enough he fell back into the water and just soaked all the water in all over his body. I knelt down and just wettened my bandanna and wiped my neck and face, but he playfully grabbed me and pulled me in with him.

I had to admit the feel of the water all around my body felt so good, I slowly dunked my head under the water and tried getting some of the sand and dirt out of my hair...while Criss just played and splashed like a big child...but it was amusing to watch. I looked up at the sky and even though I really loved the feeling of the water on my skin I told him we needed to get out of the water before the sun went all the way down, or we would freeze to death...and no way to get warm or dry. Criss did a few more splashes then helped me out and gathered some dead mesquite and piled it up to make a campfire for us to get dry with, so we didn't get out bedding all wet. Then I pulled out some more of the plants and prickly pear fruits from the bag to heat up in the fire so we could eat something while drying off, and drinking our fill of water...but I warned him not to drink too much at once or it would make him sick.

After he was dry and ate a few of the prickly pear fruit, he began digging another hole closer to us just for getting water out of, so we wouldn't have to drink out of our swimming hole...he filled the water bottle again then slid down beside me and said what he wouldn't give for any kind of meat. Moments later, Criss looked around and asked me if I heard that...I sat up a little bit to listen, but I told him I didn't hear anything. Criss pointed over by one of the trees and saw two desert grouse coming toward the water to take a drink from our swimming hole. Criss jumped up and grabbed our sheet, then tried to sneak around the birds, I was just smiling to myself as I watched him chase two birds around the watering hole with a sheet...I called over to him and told him not to forget that those birds could fly.

Just as I told him that they both tried to fly up, but Criss took a wild leap and tossed the sheet up in the air, I watched as he grabbed the sheet and very magically landed in the swimming hole with the sheet wrapped in a ball with the birds squabbling and screeching. I couldn't believe it, he actually caught them! Criss pulled himself out of the water and came up beside me all wet again, but he had a satisfying grin on his face as he held out the sheet of birds to me. I grabbed one of the birds out of the sheet, and held onto it and just looked at the poor thing, Criss grabbed the other one and must have read my mind, because he said that they would forgive us, but we needed food, and their sacrifice was to keep us alive and going...because we couldn't survive on eating leaves and cacti fruit.

I shook my head in understandment and closed my eyes as he snapped the bird's neck and began to pluck the feathers off, I gave a slight sniffle and took the dead bird and handed him the other one, and I plucked the feathers off as he killed the second one and plucked it. After they were cleaned, Criss pulled out his pocket knife, and gutted them both and placed them both on one of the mesquite branches, and placed them over the fire, and slowly rotated them until they began to cook and send delicious odors to our noses. Criss took his knife and tested one of the birds and took a little taste of it, then he removed both of them from the fire and said as soon as they cooled down a little bit, we could eat heartily. 

As soon as they were cool enough to his touch he gently placed one of the birds into my hands then took the other one and we both slowly savored every bite of the delicious meat, and for the first time since we've been stuck in this desert, I was actually smiling, and happy to be there with him...we had water, food, and good company. Criss finished his bird first, and as I was finishing mine, Criss moved in close to me and very tenderly began to rub my arms and moved to my shoulders. I slightly ignored him while I was eating, but as soon as I finished, his slight touches were very sensual, as he massaged my back and neck, then he gently placed a few kisses on my neck and whispered softly in my ear.

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