7. You Mean Something Special

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Everything seems to stop around me as Jango says those words. My heart literally skips a few beats as I momentarily forget how to breathe. Everything continues around me as if I wasn't having a mini heart attack.  

Before I can think of an answer, a vicious snarl erupts from the foliage behind me. I whip around as a little scream comes from me. A huge wolf -way bigger than me- jumps out from behind the bushes, leaping right at me. I scream again. 

A ferocious snarl comes from Jango as his eyes go black. He shoves me out of the way, before jumping into his action. His body ripples as it changes shape, his clothes tearing right off his body with a ripping sound. One moment there is Jango standing there, the next there is an enormous black wolf in his place. This wolf is even bigger than the other one.  

I stumble backwards until my back hits a hard tree. I slide down it until my butt hits the hard ground. I hug my knees to me chest a tears start streaming down my face silently.  

The wolf Jango turned into lunges at the other one, snarls and growls coming from the both of them. They move so fast that I don't know where one starts and the other ends. I don't know whose blood starts coming first, but I really hope it's not Jango's.  

I pull Jango's jacket off my shoulders and hold it tight. Some of his scent reaches me and it half calms me down. But I think I'm in shock, because I can barely breathe.  

In front of me I hear a fleshy, tearing sound. I scream as I hear a thump as one of the wolves fall to the ground heavily, their throat torn out. Blood pours out of the rogue wolf's throat, staining the grass and dirt crimson red.  

The Jango wolf has blood staining the fur down his side, his eyes a dark black colour instead of the icy blue that I'm used to. The massive wolf pads closer to me, dipping his head and whining a little. He presses his nose to the top of my head, putting a huge, furry paw against my leg.  

Jango's body ripples as he shifts back, making me whimper helplessly. I close my eyes, extremely aware of the fact that he's not wearing any clothes, because they shredded a few moments ago. His hands cup my face as he turns my head up to look at him. I only open my eyes when I'm sure I'll only see his shoulders and up.  

My teary blue eyes meet his dark ones almost instantly. His hard expression falters at my frightened one. His thumbs start brushing my tears away.  

"I'm sorry."  

I blink in surprise. He's sorry? Why would he be sorry? 

"You didn't know I was like you, did you?" He asks softly. 

I shake my head, squeezing my eyes shut.  

He lets out a long breath. "Well then you should know that there are more of us out there. And right now there are some who are after you." 

A whimper slips out of my lips as I go rigid all over. "Why?"  

"I don't know, kitten." He whispers, looking at me intently. "But I promise I'll do everything I can to keep you safe."  

That also surprises me. I look up at him confused, kind of in awe. "But why?" I ask again.  

Jango smiles a soft smile that makes his entire face light up. It makes my heart flutter, that tiny smile. "Because you mean something special to me." He tells me, brushing some of my hair out of my eyes gently.  

Before I can answer him, two more growls come from the bushes where the first wolf came from. I yelp in fright, jumping into Jango as his arms creep around me protectively. I suddenly remember that he doesn't have any clothes on, but right now that's the least of my worries. My fingers curl into his skin as I stare wide eyed at the two new rogues, who look angry and pissed off. Probably because their friend or whatever he was, was killed by Jango.  

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