8. Red Curls, Red Fur

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I wake up with a killer headache. My pillow is wet from my incessant crying. I lift my head up, rubbing one of my eyes with a fist. I sit up, ignoring my groaning muscles. I swing my legs off the end of my bed and stand, sniffing away any leftover tears.  

I search for clothes for school. In the end I simply wear jeans and a long-sleeved shirt.  

I head downstairs and eat a quick breakfast, just a piece of toast. I kind of feel like I'm on automatic, like I'm on autopilot. I quickly download She Wolf onto my phone, dreading music class. Iris comes down a little after me, and we start the walk towards school.  

The cold air is like taking a deep breath. It's fresh, and helps me relax a little. As a soft breeze flutters past, my wine red curls fall into my face. I stare at the ground as I walk; studying the grass as if it was interesting. Walking with Iris today is just plain awkward.  

The school comes into view about fifteen minutes later. I find Abbey, and we walk to our first class together.

Lunch time comes quickly. I was able to avoid Jango all day, dragging Abbey away with me whenever I smelled a whiff of his scent. He would constantly stare at me as I scurried away, but I refused to even glance at him. Abbey finally asked me about it, but I just looked away. Thankfully she let the subject drop.  

Abbey and I are sitting at a small table outside. For once the sun is shining, and it's warming my skin. I tilt my head back a little, closing my eyes as the sunlight caresses my face. A small smile flitters across my lips, barely a twitch. 

"It's nice that the sun's out, huh?" Abbey says, watching me with bright brown eyes. She leans forwards, leaning her chin on her hands.  

I nod, opening my eyes once more. 

"It's going to be winter soon." Abbey continues. "I prefer the heat to the cold." 

"I like both." I say softly. Though I like the cold better. Winter clothes are much more comfortable and stylish that summer clothes. Not to mention I love hot chocolate, it makes you feel all warm inside. And I love curling up with a blanket. 

Abbey nods, still watching me for a reaction of sorts.  

I start to feel a little uncomfortable. Knowing she is like me frightens me. Does she know what I am, like Jango did? I would feel really stupid if she does, stupider than I already feel.  

"What do you have next?" 

I reach for my timetable, safely stored away in my front pocket. My eyes scan to what I have last. "Music." I say, trying to control the quivering in my voice. I clench my hand under the table, feeling my nails bite into my palm. "I have music." 

Abbey nods. "Is it fun?" 


She peers at me for a moment, but a smile crosses her face. "Cool. I might take it next term with you, if you still want to do it."  

I nod my head, my red curls falling into my face, though my heart is pounding inside my ribcage. I jump a little as the bell rings, a feeling of uneasiness washing over me. I stand, picking my bag up and slinging it over one shoulder.  

Saying goodbye to Abbey, I make my way to the music rooms, trying not to get trampled by the crowd of students. I tend to stick to the walls.  

I find myself one of the first people in the room. I take my seat next to the wall, dreading the moment Jango will fill the spot beside me. I pull the assignment sheet out of my bag and unfold it, my eyes running over the words I've read a hundred times already.  

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