16. Conflicting Hearts

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IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ! I'll make it short.

- Sorry for the long wait

- You've probably noticed I've been editing with all the notifications saying I've uploaded. I haven't. Until now that is!

- I really really really really love love love this chapter! The ending is my favourite

- Cute song on the side, I was listening to it when I wrote the ending (MY FAVOURITE!!!) of this chapter :)

- Please comment! I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but I would like actual comments about this chapter, no more 'please upload' and 'it was cute'. I don't mean to sound rude, but i really do want to see what you guys think of the end of this chapter



Iris and I walk to school as usual. It doesn't take that long, and it isn't that awkward. She had a lot of questions about where I was yesterday, and what I was doing, but I managed to come up with something to tell her.

I'm not a very good liar.

I bet she could tell I wasn't telling the truth, but she didn't say anything.

This morning I had print off the completed music assignment, and made a copy of She Wolf onto a disk to hand into Mrs Allen. I think Jango forgot all about it, what with the recent... problems that have occurred.

I wouldn't blame him.

But then again, it seems like I should be the one to print it out anyway. Jango did let me use his laptop after all.

Thankfully, Iris doesn't bring up the subject of my recent absence on our little walk to school, and she doesn't ask anything about my injuries other than to see if I'm alright, which I am. I don't know what I would have said if she did ask.

Jango is leaning against his car surrounded by friends when we get to school.

His face is set in a frown, and he seems to be in a heated conversation with a guy who has blonde hair and brown eyes, from what I can see. I recognise him faintly- he was one of the guys that came to Jango's house when I was there.

I assume he's a werewolf to. He would have to be.

When I walk into the school gates, it's almost as if Jango senses my presence because his head jerks around towards me. I half think he'll get whiplash. A lazy smirk slips across his face as his eyes roll down my body, lingering on my face.

I feel my cheeks heat up as I duck my head, a curtain of red hair shielding my face. Why does he do that? It makes my stomach get butterflies.

Iris eyes me, flicking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. I think she's recently gotten it cut, because the ends are squared perfectly around her jaw in a cute bob cut. "That guy is looking at you, Lyrissa." She smirks.

"Yeah." I breathe quietly, eyes trained on the ground. I know he is, hence the butterflies.

"He's hot."

I give her a strange look.

Did she really just say that?

She shrugs a shoulder innocently, grinning. "Well he is! You should go talk to him. Wait, he's coming over, and he won't stop looking -well staring- at you!" She laughs at my petrified expression, letting out a giggle. I'm glad to see one of us finds this amusing.

When I peek out through my hair, I see that Jango is in fact striding this way. The crowd parts for him like a sea. His presence is quite demanding. It gets everyone's attention for at least a moment, that's for sure.

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