3. His Leather Jacket Is Mine... To Keep?

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As I flinched away from Jango, he lets out a frustrated breath of air that swirls over my face and made chills bolt up my spine.  

My heart was beating like crazy. I feel like I had just run faster than ever before, and for a werewolf that's something. My heart is usually never like this, not around anyone. Ever

"Were you even listening?" Jango repeats, frowning disapprovingly. 

I gulp, leaning back slightly feeling overwhelmed. "Y-yeah..." I mutter. "Shakira." He was talking about the assignment... right?

He nods. "Know any of her songs?" he asks, watching me his icy blue eyes. 

I nod. 

"Got any favourites that you want to do for the assignment?" 

"She-wolf." I say straight away, without stuttering or coughing. Instantly a blush spreads across my cheeks at how forward I just was. Why on earth did I just say that? Kind of obvious, don't you think? I probably should have said something else. I don't want anyone to suspect anything... 

Jango quirks a perfectly arched eyebrow down at me. 

Another incurable blush sticks to my cheeks as I start feeling really uncomfortable. I fidget in my seat, ringing the hem of my dress in my hands and tapping my foot fast.  

Jango sighs again, and I stiffen. Even his breath smells divine, and makes me want to scream in frustration. How can one person be so attractive to me? 

"So do you want to do She-wolf?" Jango asks. I keep my eye away from here, preferring to stare at the desk. I nod, letting more of my tousled hair fall around my face. 

Jango nods. "I'm cool with that." I know he's smiling, a real, genuine smile for once. Not a smirk or scowl. A smile.

And I can't resist.  

I look up and my breath gets sucked right out of my lungs, leaving me with a light headed feeling. Jango is actually smiling, a real, genuine smile like I suspected, showing off his pearly white teeth. He has a cute little dimple in his cheek, and his eyes seem to be sparkling brighter than diamonds.  

"Ok, She-wolf it is." He continues smiling. 

I can feel my heart getting faster, and I blush when I realise I'm staring but I can't look away. It's like that damned padlock is back, and all I want is a hammer to destroy it. I blush bright red when I realise Jango is gazing down at me, his icy blue eyes seeming impossibly lighter than before. 

Mrs Allen's voice breaks the spell on me and makes me jump in shock. "Right, so the assignment is due in a week, and I want a proper attempt at it, people!" She calls, looking at a guy across the room when she says the last part. 

The guy just grins and gives Mrs Allen the thumbs up as his partner groans and smacks their forehead.  

I blink as my heart slowly starts calming down. Tentatively I reach over and take the assignment sheet out of Jango's hands. He lets me take it. Quickly I read over it, nodding when I finish. I hand it back to Jango. 

"Do you have the song on your phone?" He asks. I can still feel him staring at me, but I don't look up at him.  

I shake my head. "Uh... w-why?" I ask quietly. 

"Well, if you had it we could have started the assignment now, but I guess not..." I can hear a smirk make its way into his voice. 

I don't dare to look up now. I don't want to see what kind of smirk that is. I wait for him to continue talking, suddenly realising I like listening to the sound of his voice. That confuses me, but as I said before I can't deny the feelings I am having for him. 

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