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Mia sat on the polished wooden floor of the room she and Evangeline had claimed as their own aboard El Leon as it was bound for Dublin. She was content to just listen to Mozart's 40th Symphony while watching Evangeline simply being herself. Evangeline wore a bright pink blouse, short denim shorts, and rainbow striped stockings, as she joyfully rolled around on the bed, reading an astronomy textbook, and clicking with her tongue. Meanwhile, Sekhmet the cat rested on Mia's lap and purred.

"I like this cat," Mia remarked, her voice carrying a soft affection as she absentmindedly stroked Sekhmet's fur. "But when exactly did you bring her aboard?"

Evangeline stopped rolling and set the book down. "Bring her aboard," she echoed, her brow furrowing slightly. "I didn't."

Mia raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "So how did she get here?"

"Get here," Evangeline repeated, her fingers playing with the edge of her book. "I don't know. We had to leave her behind when we weren't allowed back in where we were staying. I assume she walked to the dock sometime before our departure."

The tranquility of the moment was interrupted by the shrill ring of Mia's phone.

"What is it?" Mia asked, her tone a mix of curiosity and mild irritation. "It had better be important."

The voice on the other end belonged to Dalziel, who spoke with a sense of urgency, "I received word from Devara that Germany is planning a massive assault on Britain tomorrow at dawn. Devara says this comes from a reliable inside source."

Mia's expression shifted, concern lining her features. "What should we do?"

"What you do is your decision. I already know what I'm doing," Dalziel replied, his resolve evident. "I'm redirecting everyone under my command to the home front. While the British military is dealing with the German invasion, that will be an ideal time for liberating Ireland."

Mia's voice trembled with empathy. "And what of the British people?"

Dalziel's response was firm, carrying a hint of bitterness. "Perhaps they'll experience subjugation like they've imposed on our people and so many others. If their turn finally comes, so be it."

Mia's brow furrowed, a conflict of emotions swirling within her. "Our enemy is the British government, not the British people."

Dalziel's tone remained resolute, his focus unwavering. "I honestly can't be bothered to care about them when there's work to be done. I've already made my decision. What will you do?"

Mia paused to think for a few moments before answering. "I don't know. I'll contact you all later."

"Understood," Dalziel acknowledged, his voice carrying a sense of finality before the connection was severed.

Evangeline watched Mia curiously.

"What?" asked Mia.

"What was that about?" asked Evangeline. "It sounds important."

Mia sighed softly, her gaze momentarily distant. "Nothing you need to worry about. Where's Rico?"

"Rico." Evangeline tilted her head, her fingers tapping on the edge of the bed. "The last time I checked, he was on this boat somewhere in the Irish Sea. Based on this observation, I would suspect that he is still on this boat, or if not, somewhere in the Irish Sea."

Mia chuckled, appreciating Evangeline's straightforwardness. "I would certainly prefer the former over the latter."

"I thought you didn't like Rico," she remarked, her tone casual yet laced with curiosity. "What happened?"

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