Chapter One

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To say school had been good would have been exaggerating just a tiny little bit. To put it into perspective I had been given 2 massive assignments and on top of that a truck load of homework. Enough to keep me up till midnight tonight which my parents were not going to like. They didn't like me studying past 9:30, I don't know how they would feel with me studying to midnight. To try stop myself from stressing about not completing my work that evening I plugged my earphones in and pressed shuffle on my playlist. The songs consisted of all The Vamps albums, my favourite The Tide songs, New Hope Club's EP as well as downloaded covers off YouTube, plus some hot hits on the radio and some of Sabrina Carpenters songs. The first song that came on was Staying Up by The Vamps which I had only bought last week.

For a while I just sat their chilling while listening to my music and staring into space. After a while I got an email about the concert I was going to be seeing in 19 days and counting. For some reason opening the email was making me nervous, what if something bad has happened? What if I don't actually have tickets? What if I was scammed and bought the tickets off a bad site?

My fears were recognized as I opened the email.

We are sorry to inform you but this concert on the Middle Of The Night Tour has been cancelled due to unforeseen international and local advertising...

Just after reading that much of the email I burst into tears. I was actually looking forward to that concert. I was finally going to see me idols live and they go and cancel it. My initial reaction was to go straight onto twitter and ask about why. The reasons they gave where not clear enough and I wanted to know more. As I opened twitter I was shocked with the amount of tweets up already about the concert. After further investigating I found out the Perth concert was also cancelled along with the Brisbane concert. This just broke my heart to know not only one city but two cities were cancelled. Imagine the amount of fans that accounts for who were going to the concerts.

For at least an hour I scrolled through twitter commenting on photos and tweets trying to find out more information about why. Around this time my parents arrived home from work and my older sister, Allie, from her training. Allie and I were going to the concert together and I was wondering whether she knew about the show being cancelled. I didn't bother getting up and welcoming them home and waited for Allie to come into my room.

"Anne? You in there?" I heard Allie say outside my door.

"Yeah," I said trying to cover up the fact I had been crying.

"Can I come in?" she asked and before I could reply she had opened the door and walked in.

"You know I didn't say you could," I said looking at her.

"Yeah I know, I knew you were going to say 'yes' anyway," she laughed. I would have as well if it hadn't been for me being upset.

"True," I said.

"What's the matter?" Allie asked obviously realizing I was upset. Instead of explaining I showed her the email on my phone. "Oh" was all she said.

"Yep, found out an hour ago," I said taking my phone back and turning it off.

"Why didn't you ring me?" she asked giving me a hug. She knew how much this concert meant to me.

"It never crossed my mind," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Did another show get cancelled?"

"Yep, Perth as well, do you think mum and dad would let us go to Sydney for the show?" I asked hopefully.

"Do you think they will let their 17 and 16-year-old daughters go to Sydney for a concert by themselves?" Allie asked me. "It's not that I don't want to see them live and all, I just don't want to bring our hopes up when they crash them down again."

"I know, I was just hoping she would let us. Can we still ask?" I said hopefully.

"Sure, we'll ask at dinner but don't get your hopes up," Allie said before standing up. "We probably should get some work done before dinner. We don't want to get into trouble tomorrow at school."

One thing I loved about Allie, was that we never argued about anything. We've always been closer than sisters and always been each other's best friend. There was only a year and a bit between the two of us meaning we both had the same tastes in everything from music to clothes, food and everything else in between. This concert was going to be the first that it would be just Allie and I, as we normally had to go with either our parents or with other adults and children. It does sound weird but we had already planned everything about the concert. What we were going to wear, how we were going to have our makeup and how we were going to get there. Now it was cancelled and I couldn't be more upset and annoyed. I was just hoping and praying that mum and dad would let us go to Sydney for the concert but in the back of my head I knew it was never going to happen. I was going to have to wait for the next time they came to Australia to see them live.

This is the first chapter up. Hope you enjoy :)

Was It Just A Dream? A New Hope Club Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now