Chapter Eight

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Anne's POV

Slowly I was losing hope that the boys would message me or tweet me back about anything if they were going to come to Brisbane. It had been almost 1 weeks and their arrival in Australia was getting closer and closer. Which was in like just under 2 weeks.

Even though we only had like one weeks left of term before holidays, I had been counting down before but now I'm not as excited. I'd be so much more excited if the concert was still on and if I knew whether I would get to meet the boys with my friends and Allie. Once again this was the week where we had to cram for massive tests but it meant that it'd all be out of the way for a while at least.

"I am so ready for this week to be over," Hannah exclaimed as she sat down at the table at lunchtime. It was Thursday so we only had one more day left before a slight break from all these tests.

"Oh my god, same, this week has dragged along way to long," Alessia said.

"So have you guys got anything other than studying planned for the weekend?" Tiarn asked.

"Nope, studying is my weekend," Lottie laughed.

"Same here, I have no time and have to pass these tests," I laughed. "If I don't, oh god, I don't even want to see the look on my parents faces."

"Gosh, same, I'm already almost certain I failed that chem extended response we did yesterday," Tiarn said.

"I'm sure you didn't. You always say that and then get better marks than you expected," Alessia said. After a while I zoned out of the conversations we were having on the tests due to the fact I didn't want to think about them and was thinking over whether Blake, Reece and George would end up returning a message.

The rest of the day dragged on even though it was legitimately only one class but we weren't even learning new content, only reviewing everything from before, for our test next week. And of all days, today was the day I forgot my watch and of course our teacher didn't let us on our computers in class today of all days, therefore I was unable to check how long was left of class before the end of the day.

Finally, after what felt like ages, the bell rung and we could finally go home. Thankfully, I didn't have a test tomorrow and only study to do for my tests next week so I didn't have to stress just yet. Today was one of the only days that I had to walk home alone as mum and dad work late and Allie has training. Normally we walked home together or one of our parents picked us up but today was the only day of the week that we didn't. I still hadn't forgiven The Vamps for cancelling the show so I still hadn't listened to any of their music since then but I knew it wasn't the New Hope Club boys faults so I was still listening to them.

Before I knew it, I was walking up to the front porch of my house and was unlocking the house. It seemed to have taken me less time than normal and I was so confused as to why that was. It was probably due to the fact I was paying absolutely no attention to anything around me and didn't even go onto my phone to reply to messages or scroll through Instagram or twitter.

Once I had dumped my stuff into my room and gone back into the kitchen to get food, I got my phone out. First, I scrolled through Instagram and finished my feed somehow, then went onto twitter. There was still an hour or 2 until I knew for certain that the boys would be up so there was no tweets yet from them on twitter hence also no direct messages that I was starting to doubt I would get.

Because of this I decided to procrastinate and sorted my room out until my parents arrived and by that time it was dinner. Due to me being so focused on making my room neat for once I hadn't checked my phone for a while which for me was a record.

After dinner, I headed back up to my bedroom to finish sorting out the last bits that I had left. It was only now that I decided to check my phone. Most of the notifications were just about someone liking one of my tweets and then some about some of the other people I follow tweeting. Then some were about New Hope Club tweeting "Good Morning" and then them replying. I was almost going to leave my phone until I saw one of the earlier notifications.

"Hey, Allie, can you come here please," I called once I had read the title notification over a couple of times.

"Coming," she replied from her room down the hall. Once she had come in I asked her to read the title to check it was real before I opened it.

As I opened twitter I quickly scrolled through the recent tweets before going onto the direct messages section. When I read it, my heart started going crazy. To tell you briefly, New Hope Club had replied to my message but I was hesitant of reading the message in case it say I was unable to meet them when they arrived in Australia.

"Open it already Anne," Allie laughed.

"I'm getting there. What if it just says: sorry, we are unable to come up to Brisbane to meet all the fans up there and that's it?" I asked.

"You'll never know until you open it. Who knows, maybe its super important for you to open it now otherwise they might not be able to organize it if they can come," Allie suggested.

"True that," at that moment I decided I was going to open it. As I pressed the message my phone started going really slow and stupid. All of a sudden, the screen went black. In a frantic hurry, we tried to find my charger. Of course I had to clean my room meaning I placed it somewhere I don't normally place it.

"Why didn't you check it had charge?" Allie laughed.

"I didn't think," I sighed. Once we found my charger. I plugged my phone in then told Allie I would call her when my phone was charged.

Sorry for such a long wait. I hope this chapter is ok. I wrote it in the past 1-2 hours so haven't checked for errors if there are any.

Hope you enjoy

Was It Just A Dream? A New Hope Club Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now