Chapter Four

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Anne's POV

I woke up to the sun shining into my bed room. It lit the room up giving it a warm feeling that today was going to be a great day. Even though I had to sit through 6 lessons at school, I had my friends to worry about AND the concert had been cancelled. Suddenly it hit me, the concert was definitely cancelled as there hadn't been anything saying it was a glitch. Just to be one hundred percent certain that the concert was cancelled and there was nothing going to happen about it.

On Twitter, there was nothing apart from fans going crazy about why they were cancelled. I decided to write a tweet about it then went onto Instagram. Nothing was on there either. There wasn't even an acknowledgement about cancelling two shows. Only that they were excited to be doing another show in another country a few days after the Perth show.

To save myself anymore disappointment, I left my phone next to my bed and got up. When I got out of my room just after I headed downstairs to see my parents just before they left for work.

"Have a good day at school, Anne," Mum said giving me a hug being cheerful. I was expecting her to still be angry at me from what happened last night at dinner but nothing came.

"Be a good girl won't you," Dad laughed ruffling my hair. "I'll be able to pick you and Allie up from school if you would like that."

"Yes, please Dad, that would be great. Have a good day Mum, Dad," I said waving them out of the door as they both got into their cars and drove away.

That was a good bye I wasn't expecting. At least I was expecting to be told to apologize but it was as if nothing had ever happened. After being up for almost 30 minutes, Allie trekked down the stairs and we both ate our breakfast together. We talked for a bit and I told her dad was able to pick us up from school if we wanted him to.

"You should go get dressed for school Anne. We have to leave in 20 minutes," Allie said after a while of us just sitting there talking.

"Oh, right," I said when I realised that she was dressed and ready for school. I hurried up into my room and chucked my school skirt and shirt on before tying my hair up into a messy ponytail as I didn't have any time to do anything fancy. Then I grabbed my shoes, brushed my teeth, packed my bag and lastly stuffing my phone into my pocket without bothering to even look whether New Hope Club had tweeted about the concert or if anything has happened. I knew I was just going to be disappointed.

Just as Allie was about to yell at me to hurry up, I hurried down the stairs and we left for school. The walk to school was only 10 minutes but it felt like it was going on forever. Allie spent most of the walk with an earphone in though I couldn't pull myself to listen to any of the music I had on my phone. I walked most of the way taking in the environment around me which I never usually did.

Almost as soon as I walked into school I had friends coming up to me asking why the concert was cancelled. Of course, they all knew, they all followed my twitter and Instagram fan accounts. The only followed to begin with so I hit 100 followers but then they just didn't unfollow when the followers started growing. I think they were all starting to secretly like New Hope Club and The Vamps but they wouldn't admit it to my face because they knew I would say 'I told you so.'

Classes today were slow going with us not learning anything exciting and we were all made to be quiet as it was solo studying. My friends and I normally always talk in the classes we have together and its super hard to be quiet for the classes.

When lunch dragged itself along, we were all super loud, talking about god knows what. We changed from boys to food to clothes to classes (which might I add changed super quick) and back again. None of us brought up the concert which I was happy about.

One thing I hated about my school was that we weren't allowed our phone during school hours so I couldn't check whether anything had been said about the concert. My school also being a pain blocked all websites that had anything to do with concerts or social media. So, no twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even some videos on YouTube had been blocked.

"So Anne, what are you going to do about the concert? Are you allowed to go to Sydney instead with Allie?" Claire, my closest friend asked when we were walking to our next class together. She had been there since we were like kindy. We had never been separated and we both knew how each other felt. Though she didn't like New Hope Club and The Vamps much she knew how much going to the concert meant for me and Allie.

"No, I kinda blew up asking whether we could go but got in trouble so no. I'm sadly not allowed to go to Sydney with Allie," I said looking down.

"That sucks. It would have been amazing if you could have gone. I really hope they come back again soon so you can see them perform," Claire said as we walked into our Math classroom.

"Yeah I know. Allie and I are so upset but these things happen," I said trying to sound happier then I actually was at the moment.

Once we were both seated in our seats our teacher came in and started our class.

"So today I will be giving you sheets on bearings and I need you to pair up for this activity. It works having the two of you working together and not trying to do it separately," our teacher said while handing out the sheets. The moment he said 'pair up', Claire and I turned our heads to each other and nodded. This was kind of our way of saying, 'we are partners, right?'

Compared to all the other lessons, this one went in the blink of an eye and within what felt like seconds the bell for the end of school went and we were all walking towards our lockers. As I passed Allie I reminded her that dad was picking us up from school in a few minutes. As soon as I got to my locker and pulled my phone out to see whether any notifications had come up.

So far, all I had seen was another fan account receiving a message from Natasha, George's mum, saying how she didn't know about the concerts. Apart from this, nothing else had been said about the concerts.

"Any news?" Allie said appearing behind me and scaring the life out of me.

"No, only that Natasha didn't know that the concerts were cancelled," I replied.

"Well that's annoying. And bad that they hadn't told anyone before cancelling the concert. That just makes me even more mad and annoyed," Allie said as she leads the way to the car where dad was waving at us. Allie sat in the front while I sat moodily in the back. Now with the knowledge that the boys probably didn't even know that 2 concerts had been cancelled just made me even more angry.

For the car ride home, which wasn't very long, Allie made small talk with Dad about what she had been up to during her day of school. Neither of them acknowledged I was sitting in the back probably due to the fact I had both earphones in and was looking outside the windows.

Finally, we pulled into the drive way. As soon as dad parked I grabbed my bag, opened the car door and hurried inside, straight to my bedroom closing my door behind me. I dumped my bag onto my bed and grabbed my computer out. First off I searched the time difference between the UK and Brisbane, 9 hours. So right now, it was 3:50 pm meaning it was going to be only 6:50 am in the UK. Neither New Hope Club or The Vamps would be up at that time. It was evident through all of New Hope Club's club cams that they were not morning people.

I chucked at that thought. Since it was so early in the UK I didn't even bother going onto Twitter to see if anything had been said. I'll check before I go to sleep, I thought to myself as I reluctantly grabbed my homework out and started doing it.

Sorry for taking so long to update again. I'll try update more regularly though I can't promise as I have quite a lot to do at school and moving house in like 2 weeks so I'm super busy.

Was It Just A Dream? A New Hope Club Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now