Chapter Six

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Anne's POV

"Anne, Annie, wake up," Allie said shaking me awake from my wonderful sleep.

"What?" I groaned and rolled onto my side to face her.

"Why didn't you wake me up last night?" That was when it hit me. New Hope Club had actually replied to MY comment, not another fan accounts comment but MINE. Straight away I sat up and reached for my phone.

"Oh my god, it actually happened. I'm not dreaming, right?" I quickly asked Allie showing her my phone screen.

"That's why I woke you up genius. Obviously, you saw it as you had already liked the reply," Allie said.

"Oh right, yeah sorry, I was going to wake you up but you looked so happy and peaceful I decided to save the excitement for the morning," I laughed.

"Well it would have been an exception for you to wake me up," Allie said.

"I wonder what they meant by the reply though. Like the part that says 'We will try sort something out so you all don't miss out'. What do you think they could do? I wonder whether their management would agree," I asked.

"Hmm, yeah, I wonder," she replied. The two of us sat there not saying anything and just thinking about what it could possibly mean. An alert on my phone broke us out of the trances we were in.

"What's that?" Allie asked.

"Oh, it's just Claire. She obviously saw the reply as she is asking me about it," I told her. "Hang on, let me reply."

I replied with multiple messages, some due to typos, others due to pressing send to early and the rest were meant to be short messages. When I asked Claire what she thought about the reply and what the boys meant, she replied with that they were just doing it to be nice and nothing was going to actually happen. When I saw that message I didn't reply to her again, left her on read then turned back to Allie.

"So whatcha want to do today?" Allie asked.

"Well it's the weekend so how about we go shopping or something?" I asked.

"Good idea, I think we just had our pay day for work last week so we will actually have money to spend," Allie laughed.

"Yes, let's go have some fun, shall we?" I said dragging myself out of bed and going straight to my wardrobe to see what to wear.

10 minutes later we were at the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive. Yes, both of us had our licenses but neither of us had our P plates yet to allow us to drive without a supervisor. The shopping trip was a great thing for the two of us to do to get a break from everything that had happened that week. Between us we had at least 7 bags of shopping, shoes, clothes, make-up and many accessories for our bed rooms. Instead of catching the bus back we ordered an Uber and got back home just before our parents got back.

"What did you two get up to today?" Mum asked as she gave the two of us hugs.

"We went into the city and went shopping for the day," Allie said.

"I hope you didn't buy too much junk. Your rooms are already over flowing with things," Mum laughed.

"Well, we did buy a few things," I said and Allie laughed.

"Ok, I take that as you did buy a lot," Mum sighed.

"Maybe," we said at the same time. Then we went back up to our rooms to empty our bags of stuff and place them in the right places. By that time, it was dinner time and after that our movie night. Every Saturday night we watch a movie together as a family. It was Allie's turn to pick a movie so I was almost 100% sure it would be an action movie of sorts. Last time she had picked we had watched the movie called Nerve which was quite good but I'm not that sort of person. I more like romance sort of movies or movies based on books that I've read.

"How about we watch Rouge One or something Star Wars related? That way we can say we have actually watched something to do with Star Wars. Cause George loves them," Allie asked me as we sat down on the couch.

"That sounds like a brilliant idea, I was actually going to pick a Star Wars movie next time as I've read all the books. How about we watch episode 1 and go up every week," I suggested. "I think Rouge One is meant to be in between episodes 3 and 4."

"Sounds good. I'll get the movie up now," Allie said. As web started to watch the movie I tweeted that we were watching Star Wars to George. Towards the end of the movie my phone vibrated and a notification popped up.

It was a reply from George asking what movie it was. I quickly replied that we were watching the first episode. Again, I got a reply to that comment. What was happening today? I never get noticed. Maybe I was just getting lucky. Next thing I knew, George had followed me. I completely lost it as soon as I got the notification. I must have made some sort of quiet squeal out because Allie turned to me with a questioning look written across her face. She mouthed the word 'what?'

Quickly, I chucked my phone across to her. As she read the notifications her eyes grew wide and the smile on her face grew. Her favourite out of the New Hope Club boys was George and she was always fan girling over him in everything, from Instagram posts, to what he is interested in. She had gone to the point of buying the same jumper he has which I just found down right creepy.

"Are you two watching the movie or not?" Dad asked looking over at us.

"Yes sorry," I said grabbing my phone off Allie and turned back to the movie. When the movie finally ended, don't get me wrong it was good I was just bursting to talk to Allie, Allie and I went up to her room.

"What the hell is happening today? Like the band account follows, Blake follows, now George and was recognized in 2 comments and got replies. Like what the heck is happening, you sure this is real?" I said to Allie.

"To be honest, I don't understand at all. Well I wonder whether Reece is going to do anything, like he is the only follow you don't have now," Allie laughed.

"Yeah true, imagine that," I laughed.

"I'm actually so jealous of you right now, like, in one day you get noticed like, how many times? 5?"

"Well, 3 follows and technically 3 replies so 6," I teased.

"Can we share your accounts?" Allie asked. "Please, I'll do whatever."

"Nup, they are my accounts. Make your own. I made mine a year ago so finally I get noticed after a year," I said. No way in a million years was I letting Allie share my account. This was one of the few things I didn't share.

"Oh come on Anne," Allie said with puppy eyes.

"Sorry, no," I replied.

"Wait, oh my god, because the follow you are you able to send them messages now on twitter?" Allie asked quickly.

"I don't know actually, should I take a look?" I said.

"Um, what type of question was that? Of course you should take a look. Like what if you can send them messages and they actually reply to you. Imagine how cool that would be," Allie said making me laugh.

"I'll take a look now," I said opening twitter for probably the millionth time today. Quickly I went onto New Hope Club's page and had a look to see whether there was a message this account button. There wasn't but that mean I couldn't message them. Maybe if I went onto the DM section of twitter it might work. I plugged in their username and typed a quick message before clicking send.

"Well my message just sent," I said not sure whether it would actually reach them or not.

"Nice, well that's probably the most you can do. How about Blake and George?" Allie asked.

"The same, as with the band account," I said once I had sent them messages as well.

"I guess we will see whether they actually see the messages. You get read receipts, right?" Allie asked.

"Yes, I do," I replied.

That night I went to sleep with a massive smile on my face. Even after the concert was cancelled I didn't think I would be in a good mood for a while but after being noticed I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

A longer chapter than normal as I wanted to get to 6000 (in total words) which I did, so I wrote an extra 400 words.

x Lia

Was It Just A Dream? A New Hope Club Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now