Chapter One: Remember This

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Oliver (Present Day)

Another season, another group of girls ready to be molded by yours truly. I have to admit I'm a little bit nervous with Elle not leading the team, but my general awesomeness should be enough to pull us through.

I twirl my whistle around my finger while I pace along the bleachers and watch my mediocre crop of senior girls run sprints. It's only three weeks until our first big cross-country meet so I better see a drastic improvement if I have any shot at ranking this year.

"Relax," Hunter says from behind me. "It's only the first week. They'll find their rhythm."

I turn back to him with an incredulous look. "Rhythm? Elliot could run laps around these girls without even breaking a sweat."

Hunter laughs. "Well, not everyone can be like your sister. She's one of a kind."

The look of admiration on his face when he speaks her name almost makes me nauseous. That's what love does to you. It makes you weak. Once you submit to them it's all over. You slowly turn into a shell of your former self and are somehow convinced you are happy about it. Well, not least not ever again.

I turn back around to face my team. "Okay, that's enough for today. Take a lap and you can be done. Practice resumes tomorrow at four o'clock sharp. Don't be fucking late!"

A serious of nods and grunts echoes from the field and I smile. I turn back to Hunter. "So, what do you say? You up for some wings and drinks at The Roost?"

Hunter looks thoughtful for a moment. I know he wants to come but I have feeling he is thinking of a way not to disappoint me.

"Elliot has--"

I hold my hands up. "No, dude. You can't keep bailing on me now that your dirty little secret with my sister no longer comes with a stint in the slammer."

He runs his hand through his hair and sighs. "I'm sorry. She's been really busy with track at WVU. This will be the first night all week we get to spend together." He stands and clasps his hand on my shoulder. "You understand, right?"

I nod. "Yeah, yeah. I hear ya."

He smiles and turns to walk away. "Rain check," he calls over his shoulder.

At this point I'm not sure there is enough days in the year to cash them all in. I start shoving my equipment into my bags as the girls begin to slowly make their way off the field. I catch Principal Bellamy walking towards me out of the corner of my eye.

"Mr. Monroe," he says with a grin. "It looks like you have quite the team this year." He gives a pointed look to the athletes jogging off the field. Truth be told, they look more like cheerleaders than serious runners, but who am I to say what a track star looks like?

I sling the bag over my shoulder as I stand. "Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of potential, sir."

He scoffs. "I bet you are." He tilts his sunglasses on top of his head before he meets my eyes. "That's not why I'm here. It seems our little problem from last year resolved itself without any major complications. I would like to think we won't be having any repeats if you catch my drift."

I swallow hard. "No, sir. Absolutely not."

He laughs once. "I like you son, but you and I both know you're full of shit."

"Mr. Bellamy, I assure you, everything will be by the books this year. No drama for me."

He laughs louder this time. "One step at a time, Oliver." He pushes his sunglasses back down and pauses. "There is a faculty meeting tomorrow morning at seven-thirty before homeroom. I expect you to be there. We have several new additions that I would like to introduce, shouldn't take longer than fifteen minutes."

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