Chapter 13

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Luke took a step forwards but collapsed. Clary and I rushed forwards to support him.

Jace and Alec were quietly talking before Alec and Isabelle left and Jace turned to us, "His wounds are deep. Only a warlock's magic can cure an alpha's bite."

"Magnus," I replied.

Jace nodded, "We have to get him to his car."

"I'll drive, I'm the only one with a mundane license." Simon raced off to start the car.

"I never should have doubted you," Clary apologised, as we hauled Luke to the car.

"We never should have lied to you," Luke shook his head. He suddenly caught sight of me, "Sam, what the hell happened to you?"

"Nothing, nothing, I'm fine, let's get you to Magnus," I waved him off, not wanting to admit how dizzy I was feeling.

Clary and I helped Luke into the back of his car, keeping him propped up between us while Jace joined Simon in the front.

"Where did Alec and Izzy go?" Clary asked.

"Back to the Institute to report to our mom," Jace replied, jaw set and hard eyes on the road.

Clary and I exchanged glances at his tone and dropped it. Simon pulled up beside Magnus' apartment building, letting us all clamber out, before he drove off to stash the car. Clary and I struggled to help Luke up the steps and into the elevator while Jace ran ahead to get Magnus.

We got Luke into the apartment and Magnus, already filled in by Jace, told us to lay him on the sofa. He took a look at my face, concerned and asked, "Do you need me to clean that up?"

I quickly shook my head, "No, no help Luke. You have to help Luke, I'm fine."

After one final heave, we deposited Luke onto the sofa and I took a seat on the floor, needing a rest. Magnus was running around collecting things, and Clary was sat next to Luke on the sofa. I closed my eyes, letting out a breath, and rested my head back against the wall.

I felt a hand on my knee and opened one eye. Jace was crouched in front of me holding an emergency medical kit and his stele. He pulled out some antiseptic wipes from the kit and gently started dabbing at my face. "We have to clean it before I can heal it," he explained. He was very gentle and I could tell he was trying really hard not to hurt me. He wiped away the blood around my nose and cleaned my busted lip carefully without too much trouble. But when he went for the split in my cheek, I winced and sucked in a sharp breath. "Sorry, sorry," He apologised quickly, and tried again. He put down the last of the now red stained wipes and said gently, "Give me your arm." I obliged, knowing which arm he meant, letting him take hold of my elbow and trace the healing rune that resided on my bicep with his stele. I winced again at the stinging but soon felt the split in my cheek close and my nose crack back into place.

I smiled up at him, "Thanks."

"I'm glad you're okay," He replied kindly.

"... I don't have all the ingredients here," We heard the end of Magnus' sentence just as Simon joined us too.

"Just tell me what you need and how to get it," Clary said.

"No, you stay here. Luke will need you when he wakes up," Magnus shook his head.

"I'll go," Simon offered at the same time as Jace.

"What do you need?" Jace asked.

"Hey, I got this," Simon insisted with a frown, holding a hand up to stop Jace.

"Phoenix eyes, moon salt, and Idris fulgurite," Magnus replied with a raised eyebrow.

Simon threw his hands up and said, "One trip to the pharmacy, it'll take two seconds."

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