Chapter 4

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(A/N) warning strong language lolz 

Tre stutters at first, but then everything spills out. 

"Billie and I kissed at that concert the other night, and ever since then I can't stop thinking about him. I don't know if I'm gay or what. I don't know what is going on. I'm so confused right now, and I just had to tell someone I was going to tell Billie Joe, but his car wasn't at his house, so I came here. All I can think of is his lips on mine. I think i might like him more than just a friend, but I just don't know. I just don't know what to do. I-I-I'm so confused."

Tre starts to cry towards the end and Mike pulls him into a bear hug.

"Hey, don't fucking cry on me, this is a nice shirt." Mike says, trying to cheer him up, "Everything will be fine. You just have to talk to him. I'm sure he will understand."

"He's fucking married, Mike!", Tre practically screams, "How am I supposed to confess my love to a married man?"

Mike just stares at him for a moment, thinking of what to say or do. This has hit him like a brick wall. He has no idea what to do to try and cheer up Tre.

"You really do need to talk to him. Try to work something out." 

There is a long silence while Tre just smothers his urge to explain to Mike just how hard that will be, when the time comes. Finally Mike says, "Want some steak?"

Tre laughs a humorless laugh and takes a slice of steak off of the plate. It is cooked perfectly, but Tre can't taste it. He swallows and thanks Mike for the talk, then walks out to his car.

He sits in the drivers seat for a good 45 minutes before he turns the key and drives away.

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