Chapter 6

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(A/N) im still sorry about the last chapter lolz

Tre wakes up to his phone ringing on the table next to his bed.

It's Billie Joe.

Tre doesn't know if he wants to answer or not after the dream he just had, but he decides that it is best to answer and see what Billie wants. He picks up his phone and swipes to answer.

"Hey, whats up?" Tre asks.

"Hey, Tre, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and help me finish up some songs I started to write?"

Tre's heart skips a beat as he tries to not answer to eagerly. Instead he decides to stall him a little bit while he jumps up to go get ready to take a shower.

"Uh, sure who'll be there?" He asks.

"Um, just me and you, " Billie explains, "Adrienne took the kids to dinner and Mike is going out with Brittney tonight, so it'll just be you and me."

Tre nearly trips (on nothing).  He has to cover the phone so Billie doesn't hear him swear at himself.

"You still there?" Billie asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm hear."

"So are you coming or what?"

"Yeah, when do you want me to be there?"

"Um, like, 2:00?

Tre looked over at the clock and saw that it was only 12:47. He had plenty of time to get ready, but also a lot of time to wait.

"Yeah that's cool. I'll be there."

"Awesome. See you then."


Tre hangs up the phone and walks over the the closet with the towels in it. He grabs one and heads for the bathroom. He turns the water on, just right, and literally jumps into the shower because he is so excited. 


When Tre gets out of the shower he practically runs to the clock to see what time it is.

It's only 1:08.

Tre stalks over to the living room and plops down onto the couch. He flips through the channels, but there isn't anything on the TV. He gets up and walks into the kitchen to make, yet again, more spicy sushi rolls. He takes his sushi, sits at the kitchen table, and eats.

When he finishes, Tre walks over to see what time it is, again.

He almost has a heart attack.

It's 1:47.

It takes at least 10 minutes to get to Billie's house. Tre jumps up and runs to his bedroom. He grabs what he thinks is his best looking shirt and some hot jeans. He then runs out to his car, realizes he forgot his keys, runs back to get them, runs back to his car, and starts to drive to Billie's house.

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