Chapter 10

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Tre drifted off to sleep a little bit after that, but he soon woke up again. He looked up to see Billie Joe staring at him, with a little smirk.

"What are you staring at me for?" Tre asks.

"You're so cute when you sleep. I was watching you."

"Creep," Tre jokes, "Um, hey, I was thinking, what are we going to do about, um, Adrienne?" Tre starts to look down towards the end of his sentence.

Billie looks at Tre for a second before he says, "We already talked about it. I told her I loved you and she completely understood. We are going to get divorced. The kids are old enough to be on their own..." He trails off towards the end.

"Y-y-you love me?" Tre stutters as his cheeks flush warm.

Billie looks down, flustered, "Uhm, yeah, I do. I mean if this is going to fast then we ca-"

Tre practically throws himself onto Billie, making them fall onto the bed. He kisses Billie as hard as he can, then breaks away. He leans down towards Billie's ear.

"I love you, too," He whispers, and kisses Billie Joe again.

He breaks away and stares into Billie's eyes. The bright green piercing into his own blue eyes.

"You're amazing," Billie gushes, as he kisses him again.

They break away and just lie there, in each other's arms for a long time.

The End?

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