Chapter 7

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(A/N) credit to my friend @BreckActuallyWrites she made the cover and its awesome, so go show her some love lolzzzz

Tre pulls into Billie Joe's driveway. He glances at the clock on the dashboard, only to see that he is five minutes late. I guess it's not too bad, he thinks, if I would have been early or right on time, he might've thought something was up. But in his mind, Tre knows that there really is something up. He knows what he has been  thinking and dreaming about and he can't let it go on much longer. He gets out of his car and looks into the side mirror to make sure he looks good (and he does, of course), and finally walks up to the door.

He knocks once and half expects the door to open before the second knock, like in his dream, but of course, that doesn't happen, and he just makes himself upset at the thought that the dream was in fact a dream. Tre knocks a few more times and steps back from the door. He starts to think that Billie forgot and went somewhere, but his car was in the driveway.

Right as Tre turns to leave, Billie opens the door. 

"Hey, where are you going?" Billie calls from the door, "Sorry it took me so long to get out here, i was in one of the back rooms."

But little did Tre know, Billie was actually making sure he looked good...

"Oh, that's fine. I was a little late anyway, it's my fault," Tre says, relaxing a little.

"No, you're fine," Billie reassures him, "So are you going to come in or what?"

He holds the door open as Tre walks in and heads towards the living room, where song sheets and papers with a ton of scribbled-out words are scattered around the room.

"Sorry about the mess," Billie laughs, "I've been having a little trouble, as you can probably guess."

Tre laughs and notices how cute Billie is when he laughs. This thought bubble is popped when Billie starts talking.

"So I came up with the story of the song, but I can't really work out the lyrics."

"Well, whats the story?"

 "Well, there's this guy, who's married, but he starts to gain feelings for someone else. But he still loves his wife, but he has to struggle with not knowing what to do."

"Mhmm," Tre nods along, not realizing something important, and his brain starts trying to come up with lyrics. He is in total song mode right now. He grabs a sheet of paper and starts to write some words down, scratches a few off, then writes some more.

Billie becomes confused as to why Tre didn't catch on. He tries to think of another way to try and say it without saying it.

"So my friend has a problem, and I was wondering if you could help me figure out how to solve it." Billie explains.

"Uhm, yeah sure."

Billie's heart skips a beat. Does he really want to do this? He decides he has to.

"So he's married, ya know, but he is starting to have feelings for someone else... more specifically, a guy..." Billie trails off at the end.

Suddenly Tre got it. Billie was talking about them.

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