Chapter 8

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(A/N) a little bit of strong language lolz

Tre just kind of stared at Billie for a moment, then he looked away so it didn't seem like he was staring. Billie caught him and knew he understood, but he just had to figure out what to do about it.

"Well, tell him to tell the other guy. Maybe he feels the same way. You never know," Tre offers.

As Tre finished that sentence, Billie Joe gets up and walks out of the room. Tre figures he said something wrong. Maybe it wasn't about them.

He jumps up and runs after Billie.

"No! Maybe not tell him? I don't know just do somethi-"

As Tre goes around the corner, Billie kisses him, silencing his apology.

Tre reaches up and his hands brush against Billie's neck. He holds Billie's face next to his as long as he can. 

Billie breaks away and regrets not talking about this before.

"I've wanted to do that for a while, but the time just never came... I'm glad you bought that shit about a song. As you can tell, that was just an excuse to get you over here."

"Honestly, that is exactly why I agreed to come over. I felt the same way, I just never got the chance to talk to you. Mike thought I should, but then I and this dream and, ugh, it just feels so good to get that off my chest. And really, I've felt that way since our last concert, when we, uh.."

"Kissed?" Billie says, laughing.

Tre laughs too, "Yeah."

Billie blushes, which make Tre blush.

"You're so cute when you're flustered," Tre cooed, and looks down, because he is flustered, too.

"I mean, really? You're one to talk," Billie admits.

Both of their cheeks flush with warmth as they kiss again.

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