Chapter 5

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When Tre gets home -at about 3:30- he was exhausted. What? Don't judge, he had a very eventful day.  He walks into his house, and heads straight to the kitchen. Tre made himself some spicy sushi rolls. He eats them in the living room while he watches the end of The Jerry Springer Show; he loves the drama.

Tre decides to take a nap, and think of what to do when he wakes up.

He walks into his bedroom, sets his alarm for 7:00 p.m., and flops down onto the bed. He rolls himself up in the blanket, kind of like sushi.

The last thing he thinks of before he drifts of into sleep, is Billie.


Tre wakes up and looks at the clock. 6:45 p.m. He decides to just stay up, and walks into the living room. He plops down onto the couch and stares at the TV. He has no idea what to do. Should he go over to Billie's? Should he just try to forget about what happened? Should he go talk to Mike?

He decides he has to go to Billie.

Tre walks snatches his keys out from between the couch cushions, and thinks How did those get there? before walking out to his car.

He turns the key, but the car doesn't start. He starts to panic and tries to turn the key again. Luckily, this time it works.

Tre drives to Billie's house and is glad to see that Billie's car is in the driveway and Adrienne's isn't. 

Tre's stomach does a cartwheel as he starts to think about what he is going to say to Billie Joe, his long time friend, and band mate. And his new crush. Tre thinks it's funny to think about it that way, but that's what it is. Unless he's more...

He finally gets the guts to walk to the front door, and when he knocks, Billie opens the door before Tre can even knock a second time. Tre thinks that's weird, but shakes it off as nothing.

"Hey," Billie greets, and Tre melts. Although he tries to hide it, he knows Billie saw just a little of it.

"H-hey," Tre stutters, "I-I needed to talk to you about something."

"Okay, yeah, sure. Come on in."

Tre steps through the door, walks into the living room, and starts toward the couch, but Billie pulls him back by the wrist.

"What did you do that fo-"

Billie presses his lips to Tre's to shut him up and Tre melts, once again.

"I've been waiting to do that for a long time now," Billie says, breaking away from the kiss, "Where have you been?"

Billie Joe doesn't wait for an answer, but just presses his lips to Tre's again.

Tre's mind id taking everything in right now, as he feels Billie's lips break away from his. He wants more, but doesn't ruin the moment by sounding pushy or anything.

"I-I actually came here to tell you th-that I wanted to do that..." Tre drifts off as Billie kisses him once again.

Tre feels like he is in a dream."I love you," is the last thing he hears befo-


Tre wakes up and his heart shatters into a million pieces. He looks over and sees his alarm clock read 7:00 p.m.

Tre starts crying. It's just a little at first, but then it all rushes out and his shoulders are shaking as he tries to get out of bed, but he just can't. He lays face down in his pillow and cries for a long time.

(A/N) i feel bad about how this chapter ended lol and sorry for taking so long! i was at school and trying to write at the same time, and that didnt work out very well lol i will definitely update tomorrow but please dont hate me for this chapter i promise it will be fine... i PROMISE just wait (: 


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