Chapter 24

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The weekend was finally here. I couldn't wait to meet some of James's friends. I was nervous though. For one, I didn't care for the age difference between me and James but I don't know if James friends would be ok with it or might make fun of him. I have to wait and see.

I was at home and woke up around 9 am. I texted James to let him know how excited I was and couldn't wait to see him.

Me: Good morning James, I can't wait for later today. I feel very nervous.

James: Good morning, princess and don't worry, my friends are gonna love you....well if they do fall in love with you, it wouldn't be a happy ending for them. Haha.

Me: lol well I'll be getting ready for today. I'll be taking a shower.

James: oooh pics please!

I was pretty nervous. I know he seen me naked before but I didn't know how to look sexy in the picture. So I took a picture with a towel wrapped around my naked body and my hair was down. I took a selfie picture with a winking face.

*sent picture to James*

James: oooh show me those titties sweetheart. 🤤🤤🤤

Me: Ok 🙂

I then unwrapped myself, took a picture of my boobs and then sent it to him.

*sent picture to James*

James: You are so beautiful. I can't wait to see you.

Me: Me too, my sweetie.

James: I'm at the store right now. I'm getting food and charcoal for the bbq. My friends will be bringing some stuff too.

Me: I'm excited!! Since you are at the store, could you bring some sodas and waters. I'll pay you back.

James: Ok but don't pay me back. My treat for you are free. 😚😉

I took my shower and my phone went off while I was showering. I received another text. I finished up my shower and dried myself up. I unlocked my phone and James send me a text.

James: Hun, Lars is already on his way to my house. So if you see a ugly homeless guy outside my house, it's just him. Haha.

Me: lol ok sweetheart.

I got myself dress. I was wearing some black shorts with a white spaghetti strap and a black spaghetti strap over it. I did my hair in braids pigtails.

While finishing my hair, I heard a knock on the door.

*knock knock knock*

At firat I expect to see James at the door. I really wanted to hug him. His hugs give me happiness. I was fill with butterflies in my tummy everytime I see him. I got to the door and answered it. The moment I open the door. It wasn't James. It was Lars. I was confused but it was James friend, so I should be getting use to his friends. His back was facing toward the door but as soon as I opened it he turned back to me.

"Oh hi, Lars?" I asked to make sure it was correct. "Yes! And you're Melanie, right?" He asked "Yeah." I answered. We shook hands and then he asked "So James hasn't came back yet, I see." "Yeah. He was just at the store." I said, "oh did he invited you to the bbq, today?" Lars asked, "yeah." I said, "That's nice of him."said Lars. "OH! I got beer in the car." Lars said pointing at his car, "Do you mind if I use your fridge?" He asked.

I didn't have a problem with it and inviting him in. He seems like a really good guy and friend. I let him come inside after he ran to get a 30 pack beer.

"The kitchen is this way." I said. I had him follow me to the kitchen. I opened up the fridge and Lars put the beer inside. "Maybe, James might be here soon. But do you want to have a seat at the table until he come back?" I asked, "sure." He said. "Do you want anything to drink?" I asked to be polite to him, "Besides beer, water will be good." Said Lars. I gave him a cup of water with ice. I gave it to him and I sat on the seat across from Lars. I did not know what to talk about but then it popped in my head, "So, how did you and James meet?" I asked, "oh it was May 1981. I came from another country, I was living in southern California and I couldn't really relate to anyone until I met James. We were forming a old band along with 2 others who didn't really stick around, but James was the kind of guy I really thought he was like me. Not 100% but in music we had that one thing in common was we were loners." He explained, "Wow, sounds like you guys had a long adventure." I said.

"Yeah, we did. So what about you? Do you now live alone since your grandma's passing?..I'm sorry to bring it up. You don't have to talk about it." Said Lars, "it's ok, well yeah I do live alone now. My mother passed before my grandma. My mother had cancer. It was hard for me." I said, "I'm sorry about that too.....what about your father?" Lars asked, "oh..i never met him. I never bothered to ask my mom or my grandma." I said, "oh." Said Lars. We go silent and then Lars stood up to move the chair right next to me. I was feeling uncomfortable and thought about James and so I was about to suggest Lars and I to go outside and wait for James. "Ummm..." I said, before i could say anything Lars interrupted and said "Melanie....if you need anything, anything at all...", he grabbed hand gently  and held my hand with both his hands, and continue to said "I am here too, not just James.", "uh....thank you." I said.

I appreciated what he said. I wanted to change the subject and I was about to let go of him But before I knew it he pulled my hand and arm towards him into his face and then out of nowhere I felt his wet lips on mine. I seen his eyes closed but mine were wide opened with surprise look on my face. He was kissing me!!!

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