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second chapter hope you enjoy :)


Clouds POV

Tori, Becca, and I walked to Panda Express waiting around for Chandler..we decided on a table outside

I suddenly hear the sound of foot steps and smile, "hey.."

"hey.." I look back at Chandler and see he has on black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and a few rubber bracelets on his left wrist

"soo, who's the rocker chic and girly girl?"

Tori glared at Chandler while Becca laughed crossing her arms

"dude, you better shut your trap before Tori goes kitty on you.." Becca smirked

"kitty?" Chandler questioned

"you do not want to see me go kitty.." Tori challenged.

Becca once told me, when Tori was 10, she went 'kitty' on this one girl for wearing the same thing as her on the same day.. Tori practically scratched the girls face..not to mention her outfit..

Chandler rolled his eyes, grabbing a chair and turning it forward so he could lay on the chair frontwards

"so, why did you call me?" he looked at me

"well, I know you and Zayn-"

"no. fuck no. If you brought me out here to come convince me to let you go to that news years party your insane.."

I roll my eyes at him and sigh, I turn my body to face him and put a strand of my hair behind my ear

"see..I wanted you to take me"

He looked at me surprised, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.


"Clouds, no..I don't like you hanging around Edward..and you know that.." god he sounded like my father

"Chandler, you and me will be he won't even have a chance to pull something."

"no I'm not taking you!" his voice suddenly started getting louder, I looked at my friends for help. Becca gave me a smirk and began talking.

"alright, soo what if we all a group.."

"again, no..I'm not going to a party with a rocker chic and a girly girl.."

"like I'm the only rocker.." Becca mumbled

"what was that?!" I stood up making Chandler stare at me as well as Becca and Tori.

"Chandler please, I promise nothing will happen.. I won't drink and I will stay far away from Z- Ed.." I quickly corrected myself

Chandler stood up and stared at my eyes..his blue ones were filled with annoyance.."alright..fine..I'll take you, but once I see Ed..we're gone."

"thanks and okay.." I kissed his cheek, he looked at me like I was crazy when suddenly his phone vibrated.

He unlocked his phone, moving away from me and looking at a text message, I rolled my eyes once again trying to look at the screen.

He moved once again not taking his eyes off the screen.

He sighed texting back and shoving his phone in his back pocket, "I have to go..I'll pick you up later.."


He wasn't telling me something, and it was really pissing me off

"are you guys dating?" Becca blurted out

"we have been on a few dates but, no we aren't in a real relationship..."

"oh, I would have guessed-" Tori spoke

"yeah I know I just..I want to make sure I'm doing the right thing.."

They nod in response.

We leave earlier then expected and make our separate ways..

Time to get ready..


hey guys! how was this chappie?? I hope you guys enjoyed it! I have tons in store for this story, so I hope you guys enjoy the ride :) byee

Clouds 2: My life's EndingWhere stories live. Discover now