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(to build a home - the cinematic orchestra ; it really really really makes a big difference reading this chapter)

Third Person View

Chandler reached for the door knob and slowly opened it, he took a deep breath

 Clouds saw, three boys wearing all black stood in front of him. they all had sunglasses, a black beanie, and black sweatshirts. There face's weren't covered, the first boy had light blue eyes and pale skin with what looked like snow, the seconds boy had brown hair and brown eyes, he had a tan skin, the third boy Clouds couldn't see.

"Chandler Riggs?"

"y-yeah?" Chandler knew something was wrong..and he was right because the three boys pushed him down making a loud thud noise

"what the-" one of the boys cut him off by putting a strip of duct tape on his mouth and tide up his wrists

Chandler , started to fight  off the boys. However they were to strong for him. The 3 boys grabbed something from there pockets and put it upon Chandlers face.

Clouds was scared as she hid in the bathroom. She couldn't believe what she was witnessing , this was happening. Every single part of her wanted to scream and help Chandler but she grew afraid. Afraid that they might hurt her as well. She felt so guilty for not helping him out. A tear ran down her face and she covered her mouth. She laster knew all the guilt will consume her, more tears ran down her face and her heart was slowly aching to help.

" Now shut ... the ... fuck up ... and .... take... the pain... like a ... man ... bitch " said one of the three boys. He continued to beat Chandler with a pole of some sort.

Poor Chandler groaned in horrendous pain. Struggling to stay awake, his body ached and he tried holding in the pain, to show the bastards he wasn't weak. He knew that in this type of situtation he couldn't show any weakness, he had to put on a brave face.To at least save Clouds...

Another of the three boys kicked Chandler were it hurts like hell, " Hope ... this ...teaches... you ... a.... good.... ass.... lesson "he continued kicking Chandler.

The other one seemed hesitant to start, "Dude hurry up and beat the shit out if him. We were given specific order" yelled the one with a pole. The other one stopped kicking Chandler . " Stop being a bitch, we all know you owe him so hurry the fuck up and beat this little shit or else you'll be joining him 6 feet under the fucking ground " said the other boy.

" I - I just never have hurt anyone like this before " said the third one. " I don't give to shit, grab some thing " said the first one as he looked around. " Ahh there, in the bathroom there, check it " said  the second one

Clouds breathing hitched as the third one got closer to where she was hidden. She had gone inside the closet were some towels were hidden. The boy got closer and Clouds saw a glimpse of his eyes, they were a bright hazel, hard to tell because of the glasses. He had a bit of a pale face and a brown hair. His eyes meet to where Clouds was. Clouds could feel her heart pounding out of her chest, she was almost afraid that this boy might grab her. He was so close, she was the knife that was next to her that she grabbed to protect herself, the same knife they would try and killing Chandler. The boys hand ran down her legs, Clouds shivered and her heart pounded even faster.

"Oy! Bro , hurry up don't be such a wuss" said the first boy. "I'm coming , I just thought I saw someone here " he said and walked away with a pocket knife he found under the sink in his hand.

" So are you ready " said the second boy. " What do I exactly do" said the third boy." Look imagine this is your enemy and you get a chance to beat the shit out of him" said the second boy. " Well let
you finish him off, and we will watch if you have the balls for this " said the first one.

Clouds 2: My life's EndingWhere stories live. Discover now