Chapter 10

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I woke up by the buzzing of my alarm. I stretched my hand to turn it off and got out of bed. I brushed my teeth and took my bath. I slipped into my black leggings and paired it with a royal blue stripped long sleeves shirt and denim jacket. I applied eyeliner and a layer of nude lipstick and grabbed my keys, bag and phone. I headed downstairs and smelt the nice aroma of freshly baked pancakes

"Hmmm... Something smells nice here"I said as I entered the kitchen. Eva looks up from the pancakes she is frying and scoffs.
"Hey whats wrong"

"Nothing" she said as she removed some of the pancakes for me and took the rest. I poured a cup of coffee and leaned on the counter sipping.

"Where is mom? "

"Don't know don't care"she said as she opened the fridge for strawberries.

"Thanks for the pancakes by the way" I said pouring another cup of coffee

"You're welcome. If I didnt do it I'll be late for school. The things I have to do just because I dont have my own car" she said as she poured syrup around it and littered it with strawberries

"Want some?"

"Definitey" I said taking the strawberries and syrup and decorated it. I then sat down to devour the pancakes.

"So how was the sleepover? "

"It was okay"

"Well my night was not"

"Im guessing you want me to ask why? " she looked up to me

"Have i done something wrong" i asked confused

"No" she signed"im just in a bad mood"


"Who else. She's pushing this boy Jake or whatever his name is on me. Can you believe it? " she scoffs"he has the nerve to call me and ask me correction demands me to meet him at starbucks. The nerve of that guy. I swear if he was near me i would have given him a slap he'll never forget"

"Woah relax okay. You know how... "

"Don't try to defend her. If you'll sit down and allow her to dictate your life like a robot for you. I won't allow her to do that to me"
Her outburst caused a long silence beteeen us the only sound came from the movement of our forks and knives

"Im sorry okay" she said after sometime of staring at me

"Its okay" imediately i finished talking her phone rang

"Hey... Okay im coming. That was Alice"

"Okay you can go I'm coming"

"Will you be busy today after school?"Eva asked when i got in the car

"Why do you want me to help you with something? "I said as i stepped on the gas and swerved out of our house

"Yeah I wanted you to help me pick a present for Alice's birthday you remember you promised you'll help me right? "
Shoot I totally forgot all about it. I couldnt say no to her she is already mad at me so I just nodded.

"Thanks. Are you sure you dont have.."

"I... "

"No if you're busy its okay really"

"No its fine. I'm free" oh God I'm
in deep shit right now

"Hey"Emma said when i entered class.


"You totally bailed on us last night what happened? We were worried sick"I slumped in the seat next to her and hurled my bag on the desk

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