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Grey stormy eyes lock with mine and I am caught in their snare as I quietly praise their beauty. He's barely moved an inch but I can feel him all around me. His scent, dear Lord! I need a fan! it is held captive in my brain, not willing to be forgotten.
Words are caught by the lump in my throat as everything comes into focus. He is as beaten as a dog with no food for days. He looks like a tortured soul but I am refrained by my insecurities into ever touching.
Jesus! I'm even scared just to say hi.
Stars have aligned, I think, as I have the teeniest bit of what the hell I'm going to do.
My voice comes out hoarse as if I have been denied water for days as I say, "Hi, fancy seeing you again."
He regards me that I could see the dark-grey thunderclouds swirl around his seemingly troubled heart. I focus my eyes on him willing him to speak as the silence that has fell between us is beginning to sicken me.
"Hi," he finally says sharply. His eyes wander around, searching for something to cling to instead of me. His hands are on navy satin pj bottoms and black shirt. And me you wonder what I'm wearing, nothing special like short gym shorts and a WSU white shirt. Boy don't I feel like a popular supermodel in Elle magazine and all that shit that Kate buys.
"You went there for college?" he asks out of blue and I nod dumbfound, and continues, "What did you major on?"
"English and Maths. Not much of a big deal there." I laugh to myself, busy knotting my fingers to distract myself from him.
He shakes his head and says, "But maybe to me.."
His words hang in the air that basks us. His words rattle something in me that I just want to take my broken heart and part ways with even though I depend on it so much. But I know I cannot because I could break my heart beyond repair just for a man I just meet mysteriously.
Just like in a snap of a finger...My heart wont be the only thing that will be broken. but something keeps nudging me to just be closer to him.
Fuck my life!
"So we are just going to stand here staring at each other. How amazing!"
"You and your sarcasm Christian. Say something. What are going to do 'cause I'm blank at a slate as to what are going to do."
"Fuck off. Ohh! I know what we are going to do. ignore the shit out of each other." He deadpans. Ass...
"Ohh, I know something better," I mick him, "Lets talk 'cause its like you are pushing a stick into my ass. And Annie don't like that." I smirk as drag him by his arms and in the process I notice that we were in the place we once were yesterday and strangely the day we met and parted.
Questions swarm in my head, both stinging me and setting me into more curiosity. Its as clear as night and day as I observed Christian that he doesn't like talking about straight on nonsense.
Maybe one question wont hurt.
"What do you think about all this." I ask as we sit down on one of the several benches in the park. My eyes are glued to my knotted fingers to straighten my bended thoughts. Seconds pass, well numerous, as he sat quiet beside me that blend into minutes that feel like countless hours.
"I don't know Ana. What the hell do I know? We could be as well be dreaming."
"Yeah, I know. I'm still in my pjs. Look!" I exclaim rising to my feet, smile for the first time since we've been here.
I think I just went to heaven and back as I hear his deep laugh. I smile up at him my eyes locked in his once more but oh so different.
I can feel the pull. He is like the Sun as I'm drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
I need to the heat as I feel so cold.
I need to be brought alive again.
...And Christian's my only hope.
My eyes plead from my heart as I see a sparkle flash from his eyes.
He wants this as much as I do!
In snail's pace I lean in to him until we are barely 5 inches apart. I hold his cheek and whisper, "I want to kiss you so bad," as I touch his rough stubble that stir my lower body insides but it is his grumble that sets up my wanting record high making my panties wet as fuck.
As a prisoner to temptation I lay lips on his feeling that jolt that electrifies every inch of my body. I break the kiss to stare up to him. His eyes are dark, his arm now around my waist.
It's in the air and I can feel it!
It is like a whisper that is so magnificent that I am stripped bare to only desire for this man.
Its calling me and the person I am and in addition of Christian state that I'm sure as hell is similar to mine, I once again plant my lips in his just to feel the strength of it. He moans pulling me to me as I sit aside his, our lips locked- not wanting to be apart from apart.
It is much than heaven could describe but I just don't know what.
I wake from my bad a bit lightheaded, my lips throbbing under my touch.
I am then reminded of Christian.
...his full soft lips
..and grumble
I'm turned into a puddle.
I just wish it could be true because imaginary and rend together confusing the hell out of me.
its Tuesday today, continuing our talk about the wild along with grade three class. A smile breaks from my face as I relinquish my time with them.
They are so extraordinary.
So smart and funny that I just love them more.
Bellevue Elementary is my second home and nothing is ever going to change.
I enter the school in high spirits, clutching my things to me as I make my way to the class. Office matters will be dealt with during break time.
Yeah right Ana.
I continue with my marking of their essays that something to be honest make me want to rip the hair out of my head as some are so ridiculous it's like they took a spaceship and flown to another planet. And to make it better, I am actually reading it right now instead of the topic, "what I want to be when I grow up."
As generous that I am I tick him correct one for creativity and two 'cause I'm in a good mood.
The next paper sends my senses into overdraft as Theodore's paper comes after.
The words that stand out as I read it:
"I want be like my father when I grow up because he is so cool and rules the world but I wish I could spend some time with him. I ...

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