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I remember a time when I was young, my age no less than Theo's. I was on a seesaw and by it the earth moved up and down but as the world went through its frenzy, there was a constant, which was Grace, who has always been there in my mind bending highs and lows.

Dammit it! Boy dont I thank her terrific spirit to the Lord!

I sit in my Audi R8 spider, contemplating on whether to enter inside into my childhood that has barely changed as it still stands mighty and high with three floors with walls as golden as the setting sun.

I lean my head back in my seat, my breath uneven as anxiety makes me suffer as if I am dragged behind a car by one of those horror movies guys who are truthfully not that scary..

A loud know on the door leaves me for air and dear Lord did I almost pisses myself - well nearly guys. Dont get too excited. Now the person on the other side could make ones of those scary movie people. Dont believe me? Recount the times you were scared that you shitted your pants when you have to face your mother than watched a scary movie. See, this Grey boys never lies.

"Jesus! You scared me half to death mother. "
"Well if you were half dead your nice buttocks wouldnt be seating in your car. Isnt ut sweetie? "I nod like a friggin 5 year old.
"Well come in darling. You are here for a reason aren't you darling? " Grace says poking her head inside the car in a hunt for something or maybe...for someone. I look at her square in the face, sporting a sideway glance.

"How can I help you darling? "Grace asks as she has settled into the posh pink sofa in the family room. Her almond brown eyes regard me as if I am prey, but prey for what mother? I barely did anything.

" you see," I start after a moment of silence.
"See what " she asks flatly. "Theo you want to talk about,"
How the Fuck did she know. Is there like a mysterious woman Google search and answer app installed as part of their nature.

"How "

"What is wrong Christian? " she asks locking her dark brunette hair behind her ear.

"I just want him to stay over here for a couple of days. I just want to rethink everything about my life." I exhale that bitchy feeling of sadness creeping back to me like a thief at night.

"Christian why? "She asks, inching closer to me.

"I dont feel like a father. Okay. During this time i just want ro exorcise myself and you know he cant see my demons."

"I understand Christian but -"

"But what mother. Please no more than two weeks. "

"Christian.."she shushs me as i was to intrude. "You are a great father its just that you dont recognize that yourself. Yes you had a misfortunate early introduction to your childhood but that doesn mean anything. "

"It does mother. Is it so bad that i prefer work than my own son. Creepy i now." I roll myself, rubbing my forehead.

"Theo depends on you. He doesn have a mother so you have to strong for you...and yourself son."

"A - i tried to be strong but i failed terribly.
B - how can i be both parents. You know mother i dont have a pussy. I have a dick. Women are much better in this field you know. "

"Sweet Jesus! When does having a dick deal with ever being a good parent. Fine I 'll take him only for two weeks Christian no more than that. I dont want this to be your one way ticket of discarding your son."

"Thank you mother," i kiss her cheek, "you wont regret this."

"I already am." She mutters as she stands to usher me out.


"Honey, Im home." I yell as I toss the kiss in the bowl. Silence greet me back and I humble its greeting. I see a note in the corner of my eye and i head towards it.

Went out for drinks. See ya later. - kate.

I toss the note at the nearby trash can, dunking my bit filled with that shitload of test papers i have'nt finished marking.

Now its Ana and relaxing time and nothing else, I proclaim to myself.

With all the will I have, I just cant seem to rid Theo from my mind.
I am drawn to him and i was that close to trailing behind him as he left.

I can feel that he is haunted because i know hollowness behind those eyes like no other but haunted by what because its as if there are ghost lurking around as of where he lives.

His loneliness spoke to me - whispering to me. And now he awaits me to whisper back and save from the clutches.

Sleep envelopes me and to Dreamland do I go where I am confronted with with a pair of grey orbs staring at my soul

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