All Good Things I Hope

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"Yoi dont have to agree, ofcourse ," I add cautiously. She has already had went to too much trouble to make me stay thr night. But this, this is a full-on invasion of privacy.

"Christi-" I cut her off and I then say:

"I dont want to force you into doing what you dont want."

"It could help you one day you know to just shut up," she says, her eyes making a spectacle of me as they eye me up and down. "My friend is in Barbadoes for a month. I think you can stay here for a while."

" Theres always a but" I tread carefully.

"Where are you going to sleep? I already feel bad that the options available are the floor and the couch."

"Its fine Ana. I am already placing you in an akward position. I will survive the floor or couch rather."

She then nods and resumes eating her breakfast. I follow lead, sneaking one too many glances between Ana and Theo.

Teddy. I almost chuckle. Men are not cute. We are not some barbie dolls toddlers play with. Yes, we are not them.

I am again reminded of what kind of family we might become. Just me, Ana and Theo. We could have endless laughs, our brawls there and there. But at the end of each and the beginning of the next that we may still be a happy family with a stronger bond.

"Penny for your thoughts Mr Grey?". Ana asks, gazing directly at me.

" I think a penny wont get me anywhere in todays world. What about a dollar?" I ask with a smug.

"That will be a waste of time. Dont ya thinkkk?" she says now more slowly paced. Her arms folded beneath her breast. The curse bestowed unto the male species makes its presence and I cant help bug looked.

Big? Yes. Would I fancy playing with her breasts? Oh, definately yes!

"Still got time before I head to work and you to school. I wont mind being part of this silly charade."

"Deal?" she asks, thrusting her hand at me.

"For what?" I ask dumbfound.

"Lets make a deal and you will see for yourself."

I shake my head, feeling something amiss.

"Come on dad. Dont be scared. You will be a cry baby." Theo said, one of his few words this morning since I have woken.

" I am not scared. At all. I am trusting my gut. Afterall I am a businessman."

"Neh. Your fancy titles dont bedazzle us, making us worship you."

"Ana," I coax her to change her mind but she hears nothing of it.

"Deal huh Mr. Grey," she shifted closer to me, aware of Theo around the table. " Or are you a pussy? Mhmm?"

Damn, she got me there!

I nodded quickly.

"Well then Christian. You are going to pay your own dollar that you want for just for your thoughts." Sensing an argument that is about to make its way she continues, "Afterall we had a deal. No backing out!"

"Fine. I was thinking about how I withheld Theos chance of having a proper family. What more do you want?"

"No Christian. In the mother part you had no choice. You are not Death or God by the way. I appreciate that you are accepting your sutuation and you are looking for ways to resolve it. I am proud of you."

"I feel like you have just Flynned me." When she raises an eyebrow in qiestion I continue, "My therapist."


"It doesnt matter."

"So what is the next step foward?"

I look at her and give her a small, soft smile. I now know what to do. Even though I still have to work and grovel for that matter to improve this situation, I feel I have the willpower that is much more sufficient.

"Fixing my mistakes. Make a better home for Theo." I pause for a complete second gauging her reaction the. continue, " And try to make shot with you."

She raises an eyebrow and looks at me quizically.

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