I didn't know

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Grace comes tumbling inside my office with a stare that sends shivers to my body, or makes me feel hot as I sweat like a madman. Yikes! My temperature infatuates so crazily that feel I am a madman.
I plead with my eyes to her, 'am sure screaming, "Please spare me my life!", as I see no mercy in them.
I swallow a knot in my throat, my heart chasing the speed of sound, as her eyes scrutinize like they did when they found booze in my room, and me, I am pretty sure that I was drunk my ass of that my name was not even part of my vocabulary. But the day after, the memory is still crystal clear even today that that day I swore I will drink in the boat house and bathe myself with a strong cologne. In addition, the booze? Ha! I found a way to discard but hey, nothing goes unnoticed in mama Greys eyes.
"Christian," she sighs, and I could feel the frost in them biting me.
What the fuck did I do?
"Mother," I say quietly, resting my eyes on hers.
Unexpectedly, she collapses into the white chair opposite me tears rolling down her face. One thought comes flashing in my mind.
"What's happened mom," I ask warily, my heart beating faster and faster. Damn, I think my heart is going to collapse!
"Oh now you sound worried." she murmurs.
"Mom please, you are scaring me."
"It's Theo," she says after a while looking beaten. "I got a call today while at the hospital AND YOU CHRISTIAN DIDN'T EVEN HAVE MUCH CARE TO EVEN ANSWER IT!" she roars standing up and I am reduce to an ant.
"Mother," I whisper, I am fucking sure, wavering, "I didn't get it."
"Liar! Christian, she said she called you first. The parent of Theodore Grey and she was rejected. Just fucking say you don't want him Christian because he is hurting!" she snickers, tears rolling down her face.
"I do want him," I also stand up, ignoring the pang in my chest.
"Did you say that just because you think I want to hear those words? How did I raise you to be because I feel like a failure to you? Maybe I was a failure to you." she whispers, looking beaten. A feel a single tear cascade down my face and it takes a moment to realize its mine. I have not cried in years.
I go around to Grace and rub her back. I feel an asshole but much worse. Grace was and still is the best parent. I am the one letting her down.
"I let you down," I voice my thoughts, focusing my eyes elsewhere. "You are the best parent. Every time I try to be a better father to Theo I look at you parenting could you were the best parent, better than dad was. You were always there. And every time I look up to Theo, I hope that he could look up to me someday and say I am the best
even through all my mistakes." I pause and gaze at her, her eyes studying me.
"Mom I treasure with all my heart, more than the crack whore but I swear I never got that phone call. I was in meetings, my phone was with Andrea."
"I'm sorry dear," she sobs, dabbing her tears elegantly, like the woman she is. "It's just what I heard broke my heart."
A thought pops in my mind and I take out my phone and looked at the phone log. I see an unknown number at noon and I call for Andrea.
"Yes sir," she enters my office in less than a minute.
"Did I get a phone call that concerned Theodore today?" I ask, Grace staring intently at me.
"Well yes sir," she says in a heartbeat, smoothing her knee length black dress.
"Why didn't you call me because I said Andrea THAT ALL CALLS REGARDING MY SON I SHOULD BE INFORMED? Why didn't you?" I whisper at the last part, the pang in my chest growing much stronger.
"I am sorry sir but-"
"But what Andrea becau-" I cut her off only to be cut off by Grace.
"Don't fire her Christian she was just doing her job. We both know you have a history of woman calling you. Don't fault her okay. I now understand why you never knew about that and its okay. Alright son?" she turned her gaze from me to Andrea and continued. "Next time when Theodore's school calls whether the principal or teacher, who is Ms. Steel, please answer. I am sure you understand the concerns of a parent."
"I understand Mrs. Grey, Mr. Grey."
"You can leave Andrea," I say to her. Grace soon leaves thereafter and I am left to my brooding self. Having nothing to do I call the unknown number as I am greeted by a voicemail, the surname of the number knocking the air out of my lungs.
Ms. Steele...
Anastasia Steele
I miss her so much!
Fuck did I just say that.
Soon after I am reminded that I have a meeting with Elena at the mile high club. I fucking need to shed this load on my shoulders.
I have got to! Damnit, I need to!
I enter the club, the pang in my chest showing no signs of leaving. A man immediately escorts me to my table this time, which clearly shows no signs of acting all sudden to me all gay on me. This proves that some ears can hear and interpret what I say.
As I head to my table, I am hit by a scent of Apples and vanilla and the scent of that when it is to rain and after it has, as someone brushes me. It leaves me spellbound- even paralyzed- as my body refuses to move. It sends my senses into overdrive.
I twirl around, my eyes hunting for the source still unknown to them until jackpot, my eyes land on a brunette, with its auburn waves dancing on her shoulders as she moves. I ache to touch her and I am not afraid to.
I am unexpectedly thrown back to reality as a hand lurches me forward. I am about to complain when I see who it is as she talks my ear away to our table.
Why Elena why? That girl could have been Ana as my body has got its own rhythm, its own song when I feel her presence. I don't know if I could let her go from my thoughts, from my body, whilst battling myself from seeing her.
Sweet Jesus! Maybe I am a madman.
I fit into my pink knee length dress. It has always been my favorites as my nana bought it for me before she breathed her last. May her soul rest in peace. It is sleeveless and I will be able to enjoy the breeze of the spring air and it fits me like a glove. Just one way for me to feel sexy. I mean who wouldn't?
I put lip gloss on my lips and I am off to my date for the night.
Kate waits for me next to the door, typing away in her cell.
"Damn Steele! You look so good. So fuckable."
"Kate. My va-jay-jay is out of service for a while or any sex. I just want to have a good time tonight okay."
She pouts her lips, looking up to me, she opens her mouth only to close and at last she says, "Fine. Lets go. We don't want to be late."
The Mile High Club. How funny that I am nowhere near the airplane but the length of the building is sky high like literally as I see no sky ahead of it.
Kate cant stop gushing and I am close to ripping my ears off. The waiting list is like 6 months to a year and I see why as the inside of the restaurants steals my breath away. To say beautiful won't be enough for a place like this.
I lose a sight of Kate as I admire the beauty of the restaurant. i bump into a man and in a nanosecond I could feel him all around me. I will myself to keep move, never look back as I want to keep my face hidden from him because you may never know who you might see. And this restaurant is filled with arrogant, rich assholes that I am not in mood to attend to. I mean you should see the parents of some of my learners. its like I could shred their heads off.
I soon after find her and we continue with our night...

Love Yall xoxo

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