the disagreement

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"Nice picture huh," Christian said, pointing to the picture of Teddy as a child. I turned to study it, and as I was doing so, I felt his erection digging into my back. No matter how much I try, I can't ignore it and so help me Lord I don't have to fuck him on his office floor with Teddy being the audience.
"Wonderful," I praise and by luck I was able to escape his embrace.
"What are you doing here?"
"OH Daddy, this is my teacher Ms. Ana Steele!" Teddy said happily as he goes to sit on a smaller chair, I am sure built for him. I saw the shock cross through Christian's face as Teddy dropped the bomb. Christian pulled out a stack of papers and skim through them, and watched the shock heighten, his mouth carving into a perfect 'o' shape.
Christian walked from his desk and came to me again. "Come, lets sit on the couch and we can discuss what you came here for."
"Jason said you were busy?" I quizzed him.
"You mean Taylor-"
"I don't care about how you choose to call him. What I seem to care for is for what is happening with Theodore. Why didn't you come?"
"Ana please." he pleaded whilst glancing at Teddy.
"Please, I want to know. This is the second time."
"Ana, can we please sit down on the sofa on the far side of my office so that he cant hear us." I nodded and followed him and sat down.
"Ana, I don't know how to explain this-"
"Don't tell about work, that is just nonsense, I hope now you are going to tell the truth I swear to God Christian." I said with irritation.
"I am struggling Ana," he said after some time, staring off to the far distance. "Theo was supposed to be staying with my mother for a month but she brought him back to me in the morning only after a week."
"Grace is a good person. I am sure her intentions were good."
"But Ana you don't get it. I can't be a good father," he said sadly. Turning to look at his face, I touch his hand and said: "There is no perfect father."
"Whatever," he huffed, holding my hand tighter. "Ana you don't know what kind of person I am. I always seem to fail, I am sure you are starting to see that."
"But Christian, I only see the good. Your son talks about you as if you're superdad because he adores you. He also says that you don't spend enough time with him, change that Christian, and let go of your fears if you have one because I don't want you to strain your relationship with Theodore because of something basically useless."
"So how do I do that?"
"Make more son/father moments. Spend time with each other and have fun. How about tonight when you have dinner, ask me what happened to school or ask about his life. And please remember this, don't run away from your problems because you might end up sad in your life and I don't want that." And as soon as I said that, he pulled me closer and together we watched Teddy scribbling down on his books. This feels odd, yet amazing at the same time. It is like I am meant to be in his arms, and maybe this is why I have longed so much to see him again, because he makes me feel safe.
"So what did you want to talk about," he asked after a suspension of time passed by.
I pulled from his arms, the events of earlier come tumbling back to me. "Who is Elena," I asked the first thing my brain could articulate to words.
"Why?..."he asked speechless, and when his eyes turned to mine, I saw an alien emotion running across them. I sat silently whilst being puzzled and scared as I await his next words.
"Theodore talked about her and said some shocking things about her and by this I believe she should never be close with Theo."
"Elena is a nice person Ana. What Theo could have said might have been filthy lies,"
"Ha," I laughed sardonically, "Said the man who hardly spends time with his own son."
"I'm glad you find that funny Ms. Steele," he towered me as he stood. "Just because I said that doesn't mean I don't know my son and I have known Elena for many years, and so what you are going say its just lies."
"Thank you for letting me know. Well you son of a bitch I came to tell you tell that your dearest friend is a child molester because who canes a fucking child?! Or maybe, you do it together since I observe that you cherish her so much that you would do anything for her."
"Do you think I would cane a child," he roared but Ana seemed unfazed by his reaction. "Get out of my office." And when I didn't do what he told me, he chose to drag me to the door and I said to him in the process, "Thanks for letting me know, yet the bruises on his back tell a different story. And while you are chasing me out, go and rot in hell," and after I said he closed the door on me. The man who was about to enter Christian's office gazed inquisitively at me.
"Boy! I didn't know that your boss is that mad. Well good luck, he is kind of angry in the moment," I said to the man and approached the elevator so that I leave.
I don't bother myself to go back to school, instead I head home where I would soak in my bath tub and forget that this day ever happened. I haven't been insulted and humiliated like this in the entirety of my life I feel such a shame that Teddy has such a father. A thought crosses my mind that I should report this to the child services but I stop myself as I want to see what will happen to Teddy in the coming days, and if I see it happen again, I am surely going to report Christian along with Elena.

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