Our sister is down there, and she just screamed

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Katie POV:

It's nearly dark. I had ran from school at 1 and it was now 7. They probably contacted home by now. I turned on my phone to see 25 missed calls and 30 messages.

Missed calls:
2 Mam.
2 Dad.

4 sam
5 harry
4 Harrison
8 Tom


1 Mom:
Hey sweetie, where are you? The school called, they explained what happened. We're not angry at you we just want to know where you are. sent 4:00pm
1 Dad:
Katie Nicole Holland! Where on earth are you? we are looking for you.Your mother is worried sick. We all are. sent 4:00pm
4 Sam:
Katie, where are you? Are you safe? sent 4:05pm
Kat, come on answer. We just want to know your safe. sent 4:10pm
Katie come on, please, answer. sent 5:20pm
Katie, your really worrying me now. sent 6:50pm
4 Harry
Where are you, sis? sent 4:50
Oh for god sakes Katie, answer us sent 5:30
Katie you have us all worried now sent 6:10
oh for god sake, Katie, answer us sent 6:30
10 Harrison
kat, where are you? sent  4:00pm
Katie, you have your family all worried about you and to be honest me aswell. sent 4:50pm
Please come home, we all want you safe, we're not mad at you, just worried. sent 5:20
Katie, at least answer and tell us where you are. sent 5:40pm
Katie!! sent 6:00pm
Come on, please answer. sent 6;10 pm
Come on, I know your scared but please answer us. sent 6:20pm
Oh for gods sake, where are you?  sent 6:30pm
katie, this isn't funny, answer your god damn phone. sent 6:50pm

Answer us!!!! sent 7:00pm
10 Tom:
Katie! Answer when your called. sent 4:00pm
At least reply to let us know your safe. sent 4:30pm
Katie! Come on. your really worrying me. sent 5:00pm
come on katie. sent 5:20pm
Hey Katie, wanna tell me where you are? Because your really scaring me now. sent 5:50pm
Please, Katie. Answer me. sent 6:00pm
I'm really worried katie. Answer please. sent 6:20pm
Katie!! sent 6:30pm
Please answer me. I just want to know if your safe at least. sent 6:40pm
Katie, sis? Where are you? sent 7:00pm

I stopped walking and leaned against the wall. I know I shouldn't be in an alleyway but I just ran. I heard the sound of footsteps coming towards the alleyway, more then one person. My heart beated quicker and I pushed back against the wall to try and  stay out off sight. Four men, looked to be in their early 20's, came into sight. They had bottles in their hands. I knew they were drunk. One looked my way,my breathing quickened.

"Why hello there, little girl? What are you doing out here all on your own?" He asked.
"are you lost?" Another one asked.

They moved towards me. I froze as they caged me at the wall.

"Please don't hurt me." I whimpered.
"Oh we would never hurt you. We just want to play." The first one said.

He caressed my cheek as a tear slid down my cheek.He then began to kiss my neck. I silently cried as his hands moved down to my waist. He slowly unzipped my top and took it off. The other three men watched on as their friend did this. I heard a car on the road and shouted out only for the man to cover my mouth with his hand.

"Don't scream sweetheart, it will all be over soon."

Tom POV:

"Tom, we've checked everywhere, we haven't seen her anywhere." Sam said over the phone.
"Maybe she went into an alleyway." Harry called over.
"Why would she? We were all told never to go into an alleyway, especially late at night." I asked them looking at Harrison.
"Because that would be the last place we'd think of." He said.
"Well, then we should check them."
I turned the corner and seen Harry and Sam coming towards us.
"There's an alley on the side of you. Should we check that out?" Harrison asked.

They hung up and pulled over. As they got out we heard a scream coming from the alleyway. The twins looked at us. I pulled over and me and Haz jumped out. We ran over to the lads.

"That sounded like......"
"Katie, yea, I know" I interrupted Sam.
"Should we go down there." Harry asked.
"Our sister is down there and she just screamed. Of course we are. Harrison, keep the phone on dial encase we need to call the police or something." I said.
He nodded and got his phone ready.
"Ready?" i asked looking at the others.
They nodded.

We walked down the alleyway. It was dark but we could still see. We turned the corner and seen a group of guys surrounding my sister. They turned towards us and then looked at each other.

"S**t, run." The middle one said.

Katie POV:

The men ran off and I just leaned on the wall. My brothers and Harrison ran over to me.

"Katie!! Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" Tom asked placing his hands on my shoulders.
I flinched back. Sam handed me my top and I put it back on. Harrison handed me my bag and I held it to my chest.
"Let's get you home." Tom said.
I nodded slowly.

we made our way back to the cars. I got into the back of Toms car. I looked out of the window to see my brothers and Harrison talking. By the way they were looking I could tell it was about me. Eventually Tom and Harrison got into the car and drove off. I noticed they sometimes looked back at me, or in Toms case, looked in the mirror. I knew they were worried about me.

Tom POV:

Katie got in the car and just stared into space. 

"Katie isn't herself" Harrison said.
"No, she isn't." I said.
"Maybe it's just the shock." Sam said.
"I dunno, Sam. She flinched when I touched her."
We looked at her. She was looking out at us.
"Well I'll tell you one thing, she better not be hurt, or else there'll be hell to pay." Harry said.
"yea. Anyway, we'll seya at home." I said turning back to the boys.

I turned and made my way to the drivers sea. Harrison followed to the passenger seat. The twins turned and drove off and I followed them home.

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