Chpt 2 "REUNION"

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~Clary's POV~

"DANIEL" i shout when i spot him in the crowd

"CLARY!" We run to each other and hug "I'm so glad you came, it'll do so good for Zach seeing you"

"Are you sure about that? Isn't he fine with Atallia?" I say sarcastic "Should i be afraid of that, i mean it's just prom.."

"I don't know what to tell you" he sighs "Come on.. Let's surprise him"

We arrive to the house and Daniel tells me to wait in the living room to check if Zach was in his room.


~Daniel's POV~

I walk up the stairs praying to god that Zach wasn't with Atallia right now. Clearly my prayers were ignored.

"Zach" i whisper and knock on the door. I could hear Atallia's giggles and i shiver.

"Go away Daniel i'm busy" he answers

"Zach, you really don't want to do that" i warn him

"Fuck off" he says and Atallia giggles. That's it, i was tired of Zach's attitude.

I rush down stairs and grab Clary's arm

"Woah slow down, is he up there?" She asks, i don't answer. I push her down the corridor and stop at Zach's door.

"There you have it, your Prince Charming" i say and open the door but i'm quick to fly away from the situation.


~Clary's POV~

My phone slips through my hand and drops to the floor. I am frozen, i can't move. And so were Zach and Atallia. We stay like that for what seemed ages and Atallia is the first to move.

"I should go" she says and gets out of the bed

"You might want to put a shirt on" i mumble when she shoves past me

"Clary i..." Zach begins

"Save it." I cut him off

"Really i didn't mean to" he continues anyway "If i would've known you were coming.."

"Then what? You'd save it for later" I say, unfortunately my eyes begin to tear up.

He stands up and comes next to me "I missed you" he whispers

"You sure did" i roll my eyes and try not to look at his shirtless torso "I'm just going back to my hotel, have fun tho, I'm sorry i interrupted" I attempt to walk away but he grabs my arm "Zach really, i just want to leave" my voice trembles. I had missed him so much. All i had thought about was the next time i could hug him again. But know that didn't seem the right thing to do, although i'd love to.

"Clarissa please" he says and i could tell his voice was breaking

"It's fine Zach, really. Just let me go" i say although i didn't mean it.

"Stop that. Stop saying it's fine, it is fucking not! Fuck Clary i'm sorry. I messed up! DAMN IT! Shout at me, be angry! Curse! Tell me what a horrible human being i am! Please just fucking do somet-" i cut him off with a hard slap on his cheek. He stays silent for a moment "I deserved that" he mumbles

"OF COURSE YOU DESERVED THAT! Fuck you deserve way more Zachary! I should be beating the shit out of you" i shout "FOR HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING? I'M A FOOL FOR FLYING HERE! Was this going on when you said you loved me? Huh? Have you been lying all this time? You fucking bastard" i groan "LA PUTA MADRE" i yell in Spanish before i start crying.

Zach hesitates for a second but then wraps his arms around me. I don't push him away, i hug him. That was all i wanted for the past months, to feel him in my arms once more, even if it is in this awful situation.

"Why?" I say after sobbing a little bit more "Was i not good enough?"

"No Clary" he makes me look at him "Shit. Don't think that!" He says "You are waaay to good for me. I'm a fucking mess Clarissa, i don't deserve you"

"Don't" i stop him "Don't say that. Don't try to pity yourself " I shake my head "Zach you don't understand that the past months all i've wanted was to kiss you again. But what do i come back to? You full filing the task with another girl" i say and feel my eyes tear up again

"Please don't cry" he begs "Clary you don't have to cry for someone like me" he removes a tear from my cheek "You'll get someone better than me, someone who truly deserves you" he half smiles

"But i don't want someone better Zach. I want you. I want little fucked up Zachary Herron. I don't want perfect, i want you." I breath "I want you, Zach" i say one last time

He had tears rolling down his cheeks as well. Zach gives me a smile and places his hand behind my neck. Before i know it, our lips were drawn together. I had missed those lips so much. When we pull apart he looks at me.

"Promise me something" he whispers "Promise me that if i screw up one more time you'll leave me. You'll yell at me, slap me, and leave to find someone else."

"Zach..." i say

"Promise me that" he says firmly

"I promise." I say and he smiles. We kiss again and when we separate he pulls me into a big hug.

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