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~Clary's POV~

"How come you've never seen Frozen?" I ask amused

"It's one of those cliche Disney movies" he rolls his eyes "Prince charming and that bull shit" he scoffs

I gasp "You didn't just insult Disney!"

"What if i did?" He smirks

I don't answer. I stand up and try to leave but his strong arms pull me back to the bed.

"Going somewhere?" He smirks, his face was inches away from mine.

"I can't be in the same room with someone who doesn't like Disney" i say trying to move from under him "Would you mind?" I roll my eyes

He gives me a peck on my lips and moves a side. I was about to get up but with one single move he throws me on top of him. I blush at how close we were. My hands rested on his chest and i could feel how fast his heart was beating. His shirt had slightly come up and i could see some abs peeping through it. My eyes widen when i realize i'm sitting on some inappropriate place.

"Umm" i try to say something but the words wouldn't come out. Zach's finger trace from my elbows to my cheeks, leaving a stinging feeling behind.

"Umm?" He teases with a half smile. "Did i mention you looked hot today?"

"I don't think you did" i smile, still a bit uncomfortable

"Well you looked hot as hell" he says closing the gap between us.

I was shocked at first, but then i follow his rhythm. My lips parted allowing his tongue entrance and a small moan left my mouth. I blush at the fact that we were having a make out session while i was sitting on him. He gently flipped us over so he was now on top. I didn't mind he controlled the kiss. I liked it. My hands find their way to his hair and his are wrapped around my waist. He pulled me even closer to his chest. His mouth started to work its way towards my neck, and my hands tightened in his short hair. A moan escaped my mouth as his tongue worked on my skin. Zach's hands got under my shirt and i shiver when his cold thumbs trace the skin in my waist. I frown when his lips leave my neck but smile when he gently bites my earlobe. He left small kisses on my face as he proceeds to attack my lips once more. I gasp when his hands start to move up and stop just below my bra line. I mentally face palm myself when i realize I didn't have a bra on. Zach seems to notice that and smirks into the kiss. His hands now went behind my back and moved up and down through my bare skin.

A knock in the door makes us both pull away abruptly. I groan when his lips leave mine, still feeling how his hands had explored my hole body.

"Room Service" we hear

Zach sighs in frustration and stands up to open the door.

"Thank you" he mumbles and closes the door. He puts the food aside and crawls back in top of me. "So, where were we?" He smirks

"Frozen" i grin and move away from him. I look back at him, he was bitting his bottom lip.

"Oh god the things you do to me" he whispers and i blush.


"There's a party tonight at Rice's if you guys want to come" i say

Right now i was at the boy's house. Zach had his arm over my shoulder and my head was lying on his chest. Corbyn and Daniel where playing Call of Duty, Jonah was on his phone and Jack was trying to catch popcorns with his mouth

"Wasn't it enough with the part you two got yesterday" Jack says looking at me grinning

"Excuse me?" I asked confused

"You kinda have a love bite on your neck" he points out. I immediately blush and cover my neck.

With that comment everyone stopped doing what they were into and look back at me. Corbyn laughed, Jonah raised his eyebrows and Daniel frowned. I didn't find anything better to do so i run into the bathroom. I check on the mirror and there was this huge thing on my neck. How didn't i notice these before?

"You better not have slept with her" I hear Daniel warns Zach

"Chill bro" he clams his down "Room service got in the way" i could almost hear his smirk. Jack chuckles  loudly.

"She is not one of your sex toys Zach" Daniel says again "She is too young for being used"

"If i knew you were going to control what I did with my girlfriend, you should've just kept her" he scoffs

"She is not your girlfriend" Daniel remarks

"Yet" Zach says

"Treat her like a fucking human being you asshole" Daniel says getting angrier

"Fucking shut up" Zach's tone getting more aggressive

"Guys.." Corbyn says

"I mean it Zach, get off her pants" Daniel ignores him

"Or what?" Zach teases

"Or you'll regret it" Daniel says and then i hear him walk away.

I shyly come out the bath room and all the guys were looking at me.

"Um, so party huh?" I say uncertain. Jonah burst into a laughter and Jack follows. I go and sot back to my spot but this time Zach's hand rests on my thigh.

Taking You // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now