Chapter 2

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                             (The text below is the conversation with Jake and Erika )

Jake: Erika come back to the house 

Erica: Give me some time to cool off, that prank was not cool

 Jake: i know that now...i miss you though

Erica: We just need a little  break

Jake: Ok, but when are you coming

Erica: To be honest I don't know Jake    

Jake: Ok 

Jake:But I hope it's soon I am not me with out you

                                                                          ( End of text)

*Erika's P.O.V*

When Jake pulled that prank on me I did not find it funny but he did . I ended up putting us on pause, so that I can reconsider our relationship. He texted me a few hours after I left I simply told him that  we needed a small tiny break. I really miss him though too, I dont want things to completly end with us.

My phone suddenly rings and i know its Jake

Erika: Hey...

Jake: Erika I'm taking you o-

Erika: Jake i said i need a break

Jake : I know what you said but you are my other~half  i need u don't argue, it is on Saturday at 3:30 sharp OK

Erika : OK Jake , but why is it so far away its.......Monday 

Jake: Because i want this to be perfect, and to make sure of that no camera's ok?!

Erika: OK...

* Uncle Kade's P.O.V*

Ever since Erica left the house Jake has been all over the place, he cried everyday at just the mention of Erika's name I could tell the Jerika has been real since Jake and Erika had first met. They are not only Together as a couple, but they are soul mates, they are best friends they were legit made for each other. I don't know how Erika is feeling about this whole her putting a "pause"to their relationship but no~one else is cool with it.

Jake was talking to me about a nice off camera date with no camera's at a nice italian restaurant.I think that is exactly what their relaishonship  needs right now. Jake texted me and told me that he got caught up at set and he would be late, As soon as i got the text i texted Erica

Kade: So are you gonna post the prank

Jake: I don't know Kade it has the whole video footage of us fighting I will talk to Erika about it once we are back on good terms, but right now my main focus is getting her to come home

Kade: You really love her don't you Jake 

Jake: Yeah i really really do, she was there for me through everything 

                                                         * Skip to Saturday at 3*

*Tessa's P.O.V*

I heard a knock on the door, I was so exited because i knew it was Erika i have not seen her since her and Jake's argument,but  was she was at the door. 

Tessa: Hey E! I have missed you so much i'm the only girl you know 

Erika: Hey T! Um where is Jake 

Tessa: He should be here soon come on in

*Erika's P.O.V*

I talked to Tessa untill about 11 when Jake finally got back from where ever he was. 

Jake: That is it for today but I will see u tomorrow because its everyy dayy brooo PEACEEE!

Erika: Where have you been Jake you said 3:30 SHARP its 11:00...You stood me up

I noticed Tessa leave as if she knew it was the start of a long argument...

Jake: What are you talking about Erika I didn't stand you up 

Erika: well I don't have a text saying you will be 7 hours 30 minutes late to a date YOU wanted to have after i told you I wanted to take a break

Jake: Well your phone is clearly broken because I texted you and Kade that I got held up on set!!

Erika: Well Kade is out right now so where is the proof 

Jake: You want my phone for the proof since you are implying that I am not telling the truth

Erika: Ok lemme see this bull shit

                                               * Jake throws his phone at Erika*

                                               *Erika goes through his messages*

Erika: I'm so sorry Jake I do-

Jake: Whatever Erika you can stay or you can leave 

Erika: Wait Jake

                                                                   * Upstairs*

Erika: Jake I am so sorry 

Jake: Erika, First you break up with me over a PRANK...than you accused me of lieing to you about texting you and Kade, whats up with  you lately, you know you can  trust me 

Erika: I know I can Jake I don't know what has been going on with me I don't feel like me

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