A litmas christmas

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Jake's POV
I woke up to the twins bouncing on the bed.
Jake: Good Morning girls....
Erika: Where is Violet??
Sophie:In her room
Jake: Oh shit
Erika: Watch your mouth Jake
The girls left to wake up Alissa and Banks . I walked over to Erika and kissed her kneck.
Jake: My present to you baby
Erika: Don't give me any hickeys...
Jake: Why😖
Erika: I don't want any by you
Jake:What do you mean by me?? I'm the only one giving you hickeys
Erika: *mummbles* sure...
Jake: Yo!!! You better s-
I stopped myself and walked out the room.

Erika's POV
When Jake walked out the room I texted 3 people and they said they were down. I got ready, grabbed my camera and went to go see Tessa.
Tessa: Hey tricky rick
Erika: Hey Pickle...let's get right into this
---------next scene-----------
I drove and got the 2 other people and snuck them in the house, I told them to hide and I went to the rest of the team.
Team: there you are!!!
We opened all the presents and Jake pulled me to the side.
Erika: Be right back T
I winked at her and she nodded.
Jake: Erika.... i want you to be completely honest with me
Erika: Ok
Jake: Is that.... are those hickeys on your neck
Erika: No...
Jake: Ok...
He started to kiss me and he was rubbing my thighs.
Erika: Baby
Jake: Shh baby
He started sucking on my neck.
Erika: Emilio...
Jake's head looked at me and I could see the pain in his eyes. It made me feel so bad. He walked into his room and I ran after him. When I got there he was looking at Emilio and Ivan ( other two people ) I know he was about to cry. He tried to walk out but I grabbed him.
Jake: Erika get the fuck off me
Erika: Calm down baby
Jake: Yo...Erika get off me
Erika: Jake!! It's a damn prank
Erika: It is baby I promise
Jake: Who gave you the damn hickeys then bi-Erika
Erika: Yeah better correct ya self....Tessa did it for hvbme
Jake: So in a way you still cheated
Erika: Yes but no
Jake: So I can cheat right Alissa
Erika: Fuck you
Jake: My pleasure...
Short chapter but it is Christmas so let me slide.....

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