Chapter 4

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I walked to the Erudite headquarters were my dad lived. I never really went to see him a lot maybe one day a week or two. But I really liked going to see him. He was the only member in my family I could get along with and that really got me. He knew how I felt being Erudite and Dauntless as well.

As soon as I walked through the doors I headed to my dad's office. I didn't need any permission since I was his daughter. I knocked on the door when I got to my dad's office. He muttered a come in and I swung the door open.

"Hi, sweetie. What a lovely surprise having you here." he said with a smile.

"Hi dad. Nice seeing you too" I said also grinning. I hugged him and went to sit on the chair in front of his desk.

"So, why do I have the pleasure of seeing you today, love? Is everything alright? he asked

"Well, I needed to talk to someone about some things and you just seem the best person to" I said

"Okay, sure honey what is it?" He asked, concern written in his face.

"The thing is that I don't know what to do." I said.

"About what?" he asked

"About my future. The choosing ceremony is in 3 days and I don't know what I want to do" I asked frustrated.

"Well,um, thats your decision. Is whatever you want to do Marissa." He said repeating almost the same words as Ryan.

"The thing is that I don't know what I want. I need help figuring it out." I spoke.

"Well, let's see. If you feel trapped and have the necessity of going out and being away then I suggest for you to not to stay but if you don't feel like that and want to be near your family then stay. And about your faction, if you want to leave I recommend Dauntless. There you would have freedom. If not choose Erudite." he advised simply. Thats the thing about my dad he always knew what to say about everything and almost every time got it right.

"Well if you put it like that then the answer is really simple." I said

"Sorry if its to much but, what are gonna choose?" He asked

"Well, I think I am going to choose Dauntless. I really don't want to stay with my mom." I said. And it was true. Is not that I didn't love my mom or anything is just that I want to be free and get out of the family. To be known for what I do and not for my last name. And even if I go my family could still visit me.

"Thats great" he said to my surprise.

"Why do you say that?" I asked

"Is that I always saw you as a Dauntless and even better a Dauntless leader. with your intelligence and bravery you can do many things Marissa. Plus you always thought about other people, quality of a good leader. I was quite surprised when you didn't got Abnegation" he said chuckling at the end. I always have thought of telling him my full results but never got to do it.

"Thanks dad. You always know what to say" I said smiling.

"Remember Marissa no matter what you choose I will alway be there for you even from here. I'm really proud of you and I know whatever you do and whatever you choose you are going to do it right. Maybe you could come visit me on your Erudite days. Just remember that, okay?" He said mimicking my mothers words and smiling. I got up from my seat and went to hug him.

"I love you, dad. Thank you for being here for me." I said still hugging him.

"I love you too, honey" he said. I pulled apart and smiled at him.

"Okay, I'll guess I'll go and leave you to your work." I said

"Okay, sweetie take care." he said

"I will, thanks dad" I said and with that I went through the door and out of his office and of the Erudite Headquarters. Feeling my mind more clear than ever, I grinned happily knowing that I knew what to do and that I had support of the people I loved. Finally I made my decision and I couldn't be more happy about it.


I opened the door to my house to be greeted by my mom sitting in the dining table.

"There you are Marissa you got me so worried. Where were you young lady?" She asked

"Visiting my father" I replied already heading for the stairs.

"Okay, well thats okay" she said looking relieved. Without another word I went to my room and began reading my book.

I read until my mother called me downstairs for dinner. I sat next to Isabelle who was staring blankly into space. Mark already seated. As soon as my mom handed us our plates we began eating immediately.

"So girls how was school today?" my mother asked trying to make conversation.

"Boring. Today in science we learned about the types of oxygen or something. I mean I only breathe one I don't see why I need I learn about the other ones." she replied. I laugh loudly to her stupid response. She was always like that. It irritated me, I couldn't have a single conversation with her without trying to kill myself. This was one of them

"What are you laughing at" she asked

"I'm laughing at your stupid response. How could you even think of that. If you didn't learn that then you could be breathing pure ozone, a dangerous type of oxygen, and not even know the consequences." I laughed

"You don't have to be rude to your sister Marissa" Mark interjected

"She is being rude with her stupidity" I said

"Marissa!" my mother yelled

"Ugggh okay, sorry" I said

"Okay please be nice to your sister she is just expressing how she feels about the topic" my mother said.

"Aha" my sister said

Each second I pass in this family the more that I wanted to leave. Leave my mother's unnecessary comments. Leave my annoying step-father. Leave my stupid sister. Leave this family. I grinned internally knowing that I was going to actually do it . I grinned on the outside too remembering I only had 3 days left until I will be free.


(A.N.: Okay so I hope you like this chapter and behold for the next one because its the one of the choosing ceremony. What do you think about her dad? I live the relationship he has with Marissa. I love you and keep reading. Vote, comment, follow. Thanks <3

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