Chapter 8

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We were woken up by a loud alarm. At our door was our instructor Aiden smirking with the loud alarm in his hands. His was the same boy that helped me out of the net and gave us the tour around the Headquarters.

"Everybody wake up! We got a lot of things to do today." Aiden yelled.

I changed quickly in my new clothes. Some tight black pants and shirt with boots. I tied my hair in a ponytail. I don't have a mirror but I'm gonna assume I look good.

"Well done. I see some of you already have new clothes. The rest will need to get some today." Aiden says. Only 4 of us have black clothing. Including Victoria and me. Also a boy who I don't know his name and a girl who I faintly recall hearing her name was Fran.

We are lead into the training room and Aiden shows us what we are going to do this next 2 weeks. First round is weapon training, in where we are going to be taught how to use guns, knifes and all that kind if stuff. After that we are going to be ranked. The last two will be out.

After that, the second round is fighting. Then we are ranked and the last two are out too. The last round is our fear landscape. Again the last two are out meaning that at the end only half of us are going to pass. I'm going to make sure I'm one of them.

"Okay any questions before we begin" asks Aiden.

"Why do so many people are kicked out? Don't you think is unfair?" Ryan asks speaking his mind. God why does he has to be Candor.

"Well, look boy I don't care if its unfair to you or not but in here we don't have weak people. So if they don't show their strength and bravery they are out. Simple as that. You understand." Aiden says narrowing his eyes at Ryan. There it goes for a nice instructor. Ryan nods and Aiden goes on with the instructions.

"Okay let's begin. First lesson: how to fire a gun." Aiden says with a small smirk.

He shows how to hold the gun and the posture we need to have while firing and all that. I've obviously never fired a gun so this may be difficult for me. Or for everyone. I don't think anyone here apart from Aiden knows how to fire a gun.

I take the gun in my hand feeling it heavy. I mimic Aidens posture from a while ago and look straight to the target. I block out all of the other gunshots beside me and just focus ahead. I take a deep breath, close my eyes and fire.

When I open my eyes a couple of second later everyone is looking at me and my target. I glance at the target and I jump surprised to see that the bullet went almost straight into the center only missing by mere centimeters.

The expressions of the other initiates are diverse. Many seem shocked, others amused, but others seem angry. Thats not good. I receive also some smiles from Ryan, Victoria, and the girl Fran.

"Well, what are you looking at. This isn't a stare fest. Get back to work." Aiden yells. He then leans into my ear and whispers words I never expected to hear from him.

"I never thought such a beautiful girl like you could have such a good aiming. Congratulations initiate. Maybe we could go to my place and celebrate don't you think?" he says seductively. A bright blush creeps into my cheeks.

"Ummm....I don't know. Is that I had plans with Victoria and I can't ditch her when I already promised her, you know? Maybe another day, okay" I say nervously. I don't know how I feel about going to my instructors apartment. I mean his not ugly or anything, his actually the opposite, but as I said before I don't want a relationship.

"Well thats a shame. Maybe tomorrow or whenever you want sweetheart." he says with a smirk.

"Yeah...." I trail off. He winks and goes on watching the other initiates fire. I turn to look to see if anyone saw Aiden and I talking and sure enough Ryan is turned to me glaring secretly at Aiden with a combination of rage, irritation, and.....jealousy?

I ignore it and keep firing my gun, the bullets landing mostly in the center of the target. Well, that was a kind of awkward conversation to have with your young, handsome, instructor. I hope he doesn't remembers his weird invitation tomorrow or ever. I hope neither Ryan or anyone that could possibly saw what happened. I just fire my gun and ignore my subconscious grinning like crazy because 2 boys have called me beautiful already since I chose Dauntless. Maybe thats another good change from being Dauntless. Who knows?


(A.N: Rissa come on let the boys love you hehe. So I need help figuring out who is going to play all the characters in the story. Surprisingly I only have figured Aiden's character who is played by the fine ass of Zayn Malik ;)

So if you could help me please comment who you see as the characters. Love you <3 Comment, Vote, Follow

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