Chapter 5

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Its finally here. The choosing day. The day everything will finally change and I'll be free for good. I can't contain my excitement.

Yesterday at dinner when my mom asked if I was exited for the choosing ceremony I lied and said that I wasn't while in the inside I was screaming and jumping up and down. Yesterday I didn't even sleep. Thats how exited I am.

Right now I think I'm going to explode. I can't think of anything else. Right now I'm looking at myself in the mirror happy that this is the last time wearing blue clothes. The last time braiding my hair. The last time being Erudite. The last time being trapped.

I finish myself up in record time and go downstairs were my family are all ready too.

"Marissa are you ready?" my mother asks.

"Yes,mother" I respond.

"Okay, then let's go" she says and opens the door. We walk to the cities main building were all the big meetings for the city are heald on. One of them being the choosing day. We take the stairs and then seat in our corresponding seats patiently.

In the center of the stage I see the 5 bowls. Each one for one of the factions. I can already imagine my blood in the sizzling coals and I grin already envisioning my future as a dauntless and even a dauntless leader.

In one corner of the room I can see all the faction leaders. For Erudite my father. He looks around and notice me. He sends me a reassuring smile and goes on with his conversation. His simple gesture brings me more security for my decision today.

Since the talk with my dad I haven't changed my decision at all but I have thought about telling my mom about my decision. She is so sure I'm going for Erudite and staying in the family. I don't want to hurt her with the surprise but I know that if I tell her she will do everything humanly possible to convince me otherwise. So no matter if I have to hurt her I'm going to do what I want and makes me happy. I'm sorry mom.

"Good morning everyone. As you already know we are gathered here today to celebrate the day where all this young men and women are to choose their future." Laura the Abnegation leader says.

"When your name is called up you need to come up stage and choose your faction then answer if you want to stay with your family or not" Carla the Amity leader says with the kind smile that never seems to leave her face.

"Remember this is your decision, your future. Don't let anyone influence in it and choose whatever you want but choose wisely." My father says sternly looking directly at me. I shoot him a don't worry look and they keep on with the ceremony.

I don't pay attention to the ceremony until I hear a familiar name being called. "Ryan Hayes" the Dauntless and my soon-to-be leader Thomas says. I immediately pay attention.

Ryan walks up on stage with insecurity. He looks at the bowls and then takes the knife and makes a cut in his hand. He lets out a breath and pours his blood into the burning coal. I hear a few gasps but also a lot of cheering from the Dauntless.Will they do that when I do it? I sure hope so.

I zone out again until I hear my name being called. I can feel the excitement bubbling in my stomach. I also feel everyone looking at me so I stand up straiter and more secure as I walk up to stage. I make a cut in my hand and look at my dad who is in a corner. He flashes me a reassuring smile again and I let my blood pour into the coal. The crowd goes crazy and there are many claps and gasps. What really surprises me is the small smile that press in my mothers lips when I turn to her. I remember her telling me she will respect and support my decision but I thought she didn't mean it. Now I feel better because of her support.

"Marissa are you going to leave your family or stay." Thomas says in a stern tone

"Leave" I answer and now there are no claps only gasps and a small sob. I don't need to look around for the source to know its my mothers. When I look at her she is crying but the same small smile is planted on her lips. She still supports me and that will give me the strength I need to survive in my new life.

"Okay then. Thank you" Thomas says and I go sit down with all the Dauntless initiates. Today I'm out of my family. Today I'm Dauntless. Today I'm free. Today I begin again. Today I'm resurgent.


(A.N.: I hope you like this chapter and I'm sorry I couldn't update since Wednesday but I had a lot going on but I promise it won't happen again. Maybe tomorrow I'll double update to make it up to you. Love you <3 Comment, Vote, Follow

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