Chapter 9

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(Dedicated to Resurgent's number one fan, Fran. Sorry for the waiting this is for you <3)

"Okay everyone here are your rankings for today. Remember that by the end of the week is the final ranking and then the last two are out so be careful." Aiden tells the group after the first weapon training day. I look up to see were I ranked and grin when I see I'm ranked first. If I keep up like this I will surely end up as a leader.

"Congratulations initiate, keep it up. Also,remember my proposal" Aiden whispers in my ear I shoot him a shy smile and turn to Victoria and Ryan who are talking behind me.

"Congratulations Rissa, you're number one" Ryan says swinging an arm over my shoulder. I smile at him blushing a bit because of the contact.

"Yeah, you were great though I can't say the same about me being almost last." Victoria says sadly.

"Oh come on you can get better. You just got to practice and thats all" I say squizzing her shoulder reasuringly. I really hope she does get better because she is now one of my few friends and I don't want to lose her at the end of the week.

We walk out of the training room and into the cafeteria to eat. We all sit together, Ryan and Victoria by my side. We eat mostly in silence which I don't mind since I've never been one to talk. What worries me is Victoria's silence. She is always happy, bubbly, and with a wide smile on her face. I guess she is really worried about something which for now I will assume is her ranking. I need to talk to her later about it.

When we get back to the room after eating I just rest in my bed. I close my eyes not sleeping but just thinking. Thinking about everything that has changed since I arrived here. All the changes are overwhelming but good. Now I finally feel good, how its supposed to be.

I shot up when I feel someone tapping my shoulder. I look up to see is Ryan with a shy smile on his face.

"Hi Ryan" I beam with a grin.

"Hi Rissa, sorry if I woke you up. I just wanted to see if, you know, we could hang out a little before going to sleep since you have been ditching me for Victoria" he says shyly, even blushing a little.

"Oh no, you didn't wake me up and of course we can hang out. I haven't been ditching you or at least not purposly, I swear." I say feeling quite guilty because he is right I haven't have spent time with him at all.

"Great then let's go" he says taking my arm and leading me out of the room.

We walk for a little while and just when I was about to ask where we were going he stops at The Chasm.

"The Chasm? What are we doing here?" I ask.

"I don't know. I just think its quite peaceful since not many people come around here. Its a great contrast to all the loud dauntless people that live here." he says looking in to the water.

"Yeah" I breath out looking at the water too. Theres a few moments of silence before Ryan breaks it.

"So Rissa, I've noticed you've changed a lot of things in your life."

"How so? I ask.

"Well you changed your name, your appearance and you left your family. I noticed that at the Choosing Ceremony." he says

"Yeah, I have changed a lot, thats the idea." I say

"No thats not the idea. The idea is that you are yourself. That you choose what you want. You don't have to change so much to be yourself. I mean I know you are trying make a statement but changing all the aspects on you is not gonna work." he says.

"You are wrong. I'm not trying to make an statement, and yes, I'm changing but I'm doing it because I want to and I feel like it. I'm finally happy with myself. I finally feel the freedom that I didn't know I needed so much. So yeah, I may be changing a lot of things but is because I want to. You are in no position to tell me what should and change and what not. Also if you look at yourself you have changed a lot too. Let me take a wild guess, you leaved your family too? Huh, didn't you? I spit back harshly.

"Well, yeah but....."he trails.

"Thats what I thought. You are such a hypocrite! Coming here to tell me what to do and how to be myself. Don't be ridiculous, Ryan. Again, first look at what you are doing before you give advice. I notice you never follow them." I tell him and quickly sprint back to the room.

I can't believe he said that. I know I may had been rude and I'm sure he was saying this with good intentions but he is in no place to assume things and tell me what to do. I'm not making an statement, I'm being me. I control my life and if I want to change then I will and I don't care what others think. I do what I want and no one can do anything about it.


(Ok I'm sorry for not updating in 2 whole weeks but I've been kind of busy lately and I just couldn't hopefully I'll update again tomorrow or if not this weekend. Also I've finally decided on who is going to play each character. You can imagine them how you want though if you don't like my option. So Rissa is played by Shay Mitchell and the picture on the side is specifically how I imagine her. Also imagine her with curlier hair. This may change later on but I haven't find anyone more similar to how I imagine Rissa like her. Suggestion open.  Next update I'll be announcing another character. Love you <3 Read, Comment, Vote

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