Chapter 6

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When I go sit with all the initiates I see many different expressions. Some of them have welcoming smiles like two of the girls one that judging by her dress is amity and the other one that wears a gray robe is abnegation. But I also find a few glaring at me. I don't care about them if they want to be my friend then great if not then theres not much to do about it.

What really catches my eye is the big familiar smile I see at the back of the group. Ryan is shining a toothy grin to me and I can't help it but to do it back. He motions to a seat next to him and I sit there.

"Nice seeing you here Marissa." Ryan says once I'm seated.

"Nice seeing you too Ryan" I respond with a toothy grin.

"I see you took my advice" he says

"Well yeah I did. I see you took your own advice too." I say

"Yeah. I really thought about it you know. I was thinking like "Ryan you totally gave the best advice ever to the beautiful girl but you are not using it. How are you so stupid?". And so I made the decision and choose Dauntless." he says flashing a smile at the end. I could feel myself blushing slightly when he mentioned me as a beautiful girl.

"Well thats good. I guess we are both brave." I say nudging his shoulder.

"Yeah I guess we are" He says flashing me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

The ceremony ends and at the end we are 12 initiates. I don't know how many of them are staying with their family and how many are leaving. I didn't pay attention. We are almost even between the boys and girls. 5 girls and 7 boys. The thing is that every boy is really muscular including Ryan and the girls are in good shape too except maybe for one or two that are quiet small so theres going to be a lot of competition this year. I'm grateful for my tall and big frame. I never liked it but now I couldn't be more happy to have it. See, Tris didn't have a tall and big frame like I did. We are not the same. We are different and thats good.

We go outside were we are supposed to do the usual in the Dauntless initiation. The train. I jump easily in it with Ryan and we go to the roof. I'm not scared of jumping into the roof but I'm scared that when I jump I don't land in it. Ryan feels my insecurity and takes my hand. I shoot him a thankful look and together we jump.

We land safely on the roof and now its time for the jump to the net.

"Who is going to jump first" ask Thomas eyeing the group. No one answers.

"Prior. Why don't you do the honors. I think you have it in your blood." Thomas says with a smug look imprinted on his face.

"I'm not her. If I want to jump I will, not because I have it in my blood." I answer harshly.

"Well, I think you are just being a coward and we don't have cowards here so you can begin packing your things and go to Erudite." He says sternly

"You know what, fine! I'm going to jump. I'm not a coward and I'm not going anywhere. I'm Dauntless." I yell and go stand on the roof edge. I look back at Thomas and send him a glare and then I jump.

I land on a net safely with adrenaline coursing through my veins. I like this feeling and I hope I feel it often now being Dauntless.

"Okay first jumper, what's your name? a intimidating guy says. He looks tough but the smile he has on softens his appearance and makes him looks young; maybe 19.

I think if I should leave my name but if I want to be someone new and leave the past I got to change some things. That includes my name.

"Rissa" I say and the guy yells it and many claps and cheers are heard. I know is not very intelligent to change my name like Tris did but I just wanted to change my name but not drastically like choosing a whole new name. Rissa is good, I like it.

"Okay, Rissa welcome to Dauntless." the guys says. This is the best day ever. I cannot be any happier. I'm finally free. I have a new name, a faction, friends. This is all I needed. Now I only have to work hard and give the best of me. Then maybe I can be a great leader like my dad. Nothing can stop me now. I'm a new person. No more the shy, Erudite girl that hid behind her glasses. No more Marissa Prior. Now I'm Rissa the strong Dauntless girl that doesn't care of anything. I am born again and I like that.


(A.N.: okay so I hope you liked the chapter. This is a little short but thats because I'm planning on double updating tonight. Keep reading. Love you <3 Comment, Vote , Follow ;)

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