Chapter 11

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I browse through all the library looking for a book. Most of this books I have already read them before. I had a lot of time of.

I decide on just taking a science book. More specifically chemistry. It would be amazing to read a fiction book once in my life but this is erudite, theres none of that here.

Looking for a place in where to sit between all the tables. I find none that are not occupied. Though there is one in the back of the room that seems to only have one person sitting there. I approach it and soon discover that the person sitting there is Bay.

"Umm hey can I sit here?" I ask unsurely.

"Is it really necessary?" he says not looking up, his tone harsh.

"Well there's not many other tables and they are all occupied already."

He sighs. "Well its okay I guess" he says this time glancing up for a spit second.

I mutter a thanks and sit across from him. I notice by his body movement that he seems quite uncomfortable with my presence now. It makes me frustrated.

"Why do you not like me? Have I done something? I got no idea what I did I literally just met you in the car ride and you didn't even mutter a word there." I asked quite harshly but genuinely curious.

"Stop talking to me I'm trying to read." he said just as harshly.

"No, just answer me. Explain to me what I did and I'll go, I promise. I probably wouldn't even want to interact with people as rude as you. Just talk and I'll go." I replied fully angry by this point. I mean who does he think he is!?

"Look Marissa, you can not fool me with all the innocent girl charade. It has worked for too damn long already and it has to stop. All of you have to stop. I know things that I shouldn't. I know things that can destroy you, hell I know things that can destroy everything. And guess what? I'm going to use them. Go act all sweet and lovely to your friends that wouldn't be there if they knew the things I know. But don't come and act like a saint to me because that's something you definitely aren't." He says surging forward from across the table speaking with so much venom I can feel it seeping into my bones.

He then stands up and goes away letting me startled and confused. Whatever he says he knows must be really important. I believe I don't have any secrets that could "destroy me". Or do I?


I read mindlessly my book after the Bay episode. I'm not really reading I'm more like observing while thinking. What can he be talking about?

Soon is time to go. Its almost time for dinner and I'm definitely hungry. I just leave my book were I found it and wait for the dauntless car to arrive.

When it does I make sure to sit as far away from Bay as possible which in reality is quite difficult since there's really not much space in the car.

In the car ride I chat with Leo like last time. He tells me more about himself and what he did today, me doing the same. I think we really hit off well and we can become good friends in the near future. He is really fun to be with. I hear sometimes Bay scoff while Leo and I are mid-conversation but I just choose to ignore it.

When we arrive back at the headquarters we're greeted by Aiden who leads us into the dinning area to eat dinner. I sit next to Victoria who is talking about her day and how much she missed her home. I tell her what I did today avoiding the Bay incident and just mostly talking about Leo.

"Oh yeah, he is the blond one. I know who he is. Haven't really talked to him he just passes a lot of time with the guys from Candor and some abnegation girl." she says

"Well he is really funny and good to pass time with."

"Well you should introduce me to him. I want to know more people apart from you and Ry." She says with her mouth still chewing.


"Ryan. Talking about him, what's up? Why haven't you talked to him since yesterday. He isn't even sitting with us like always. Did something happen?" she asks.

"Well yeah, we kind of got in a fight yesterday." I say shyly.

"Oh Ri, don't worry couples always fight is normal."

"We are not a couple and what's with all the nick names." I ask.

"I don't know I like them. But seriously you should talk it out. You guys are all depressed when you are not around each other." she says with real concern.

"Yeah I guess we should. I mean now that I think about it, it was a really witless and foolish fight. I think I reacted in inappropriate way for the situation. There was really no meaning for it to happen."

"Then apologize. Go tell him you are sorry and be friends again. I want for all of us to be together. You two as a couple and me as your cute little third wheel." she says chuckling at the end.

"Stop it. And I will apologize, okay."

"Okay, go after dinner. Tell him how sorry you are and then kiss his face off."

"You know what? I can't sit here just hearing all those brainless comments that your mouth is expelling. I'm going to the room, goodbye" I say walking out to hysterical laughing Victoria.


Dinner is officially over 15 minutes after me walking out. Those extra minutes I used them to plan what i was going to say to Ryan, although I probably forget it when when I'm really doing it. I've never been good in social encounters.

As soon as I see Ryan coming through the door I bolt up and drag him by his arm outside where there is nobody hearing. As soon as I'm sure there's no one I just blurt out the words.

"I'm sorry Ryan. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. It was completely rude and inappropriate of me. You were just trying to help and I reacted so badly. I really I'm truly sorry and I wish you forgive me because that was just s-"

"Rissa calm down. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have pushed you like that. You can do whatever you want and how you want it. Its not my place to judge. if that makes you happy then do it. Plus you were right it was kind of hypocritical of me to do that. You are forgiven and I hope I'm forgiven too." Ryan cuts me off of my desperate rambling.

"Yeah, of course. This is..... this is great. It was so awful not to talk to you. But is okay now, right?"

"Right. Come here." He says opening his arms. I walk into then and let me melt into the embrace. It just feels right. I hug him tighter thinking of what would I do without my best friend.


A.N: You know who is sorry. I'm sorry. This is just unacceptable. Its been literally months since I last updated. I was in a huge writers block. All summer I didn't have any idea what to right until now. But thats not gonna happen again. I'll update every chance i get. I promise. Also happy 1000 views. you don't know how happy that makes me. I love everyone who takes time to read my book. Thank you. Share it with everyone okay? As always I love you <3 share, comment, vote

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