Prank War

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Shawn Michaels x Katherine McMahon (OC) & Kevin Nash x Jolene Milford (OC)


Circa 2017

"Kat, come on." Shawn stood firm in his stance. "We talked about this!"

"Please," she begged. "I just want to see Joli."

Jolene and Shawn worked together as trainers in NXT, and Jolene had never let Shawn know a moment of peace since they started. As a result, the woman was banned from the Hickenbottom household for the time being. Katherine felt the treatment was unfair, and she was beginning to experience withdrawal from not seeing her best friend in weeks.

"I told you, I don't want that motherfucker anywhere near our house," Shawn exclaimed. "She put a rubber snake in my boot last week!"

"It was just a prank," Katherine insisted. "You started this whole war, by the way."

"I did not! And what about yesterday, when she put a live snake in my boot?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Don't take off your boots?"

He did not find it as funny as she did. He gave Katherine a glare and crossed his arms, determined to hold his ground. It wasn't often Shawn denied his wife anything. "It's a no, and that's final."

Katherine sat down at the kitchen table with a groan. "This whole prank war is getting way out of hand. Paul told me they've had 16 complaints!"

"Well, ten of those were me."

"What the fuck, Shawn?"

"Well, maybe if your best friend wasn't so damn determined to win, we wouldn't be having this problem," he argued.

Scottie came walking down the stairs, rubbing sleep from her eyes. Her parents' argument had clearly woken the teenager. "What are you two shouting about?"

"Your dad won't let me invite your Aunt Joli over for dinner," Katherine explained.

Scottie frowned and sat next to her mother at the table. Her hair, a perfect match to Katherine's, was all twisted in rats from the previous night's sleep. "Why not?"

"Because he's whining–"

"I am not!I have perfectly good reasons!"

Scottie looked between the two adults and ultimately decided to side with the safe option (if there was one in this situation). "I'm going to have to go with Mom on this one," she finally said. "I love Aunt Joli."

"That's not the point!" Shawn half-shouted, exasperated. "The point is, your Aunt Joli is a no-good woman who wishes to bring harm to me."

"The fire was an accident!" Katherine defended.

Scottie soon made the wise decision to leave the two adults to themselves and not get tangled into an already sticky situation. She grabbed a poptart from the cabinet for breakfast and retreated back to her room, not nearly awake enough for all of this.

"She's my best friend, Shawn," Katherine argued. She and Joli had been thick as thieves since the 90s, and that certainly wasn't stopping now. Prank war or not.

"She was your best friend. We no longer associate with the Nash family," he declared.

Katherine couldn't help but laugh at the bold statement. "You're joking, right? You, not talking to Kev? And you are the one that will have to deal with Andie. You know how she and Jamie get along." Andie, their youngest, and Joli's son Jamie were pretty much attached at the hip. There was no separating them.

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