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Shawn Michaels x Reader


"Good morning sweetheart." Your husband, Shawn, greets you with a kiss. He wears the same goofy grin he did over 25 years ago when you first fell in love with him.

You were immediately drawn to the man they called "the Heartbreak Kid" and no amount of warnings from your family could stop you. Your older brother, Bret, was the worst. He hated Shawn and once even attempted to steer you away by saying you were "dragging the Hart family name through the mud".

It didn't matter. You didn't care about any feud. You were in love and nothing was going to stop you.

"Good morning," you reply, grinning. You still love him just as much as you did then.

"Do you know what today is?" he asks, propping himself up on one elbow.

You rack your brain for an answer. It isn't your birthday, or his, or Wrestlemania... you're at a loss. "Sunday?"



"No," he laughs, "You were right, it's Sunday, but it's also our anniversary."

You gasp, wondering how you could ever forget. You've been married to the love of your life since 1992... 26 whole years!

"Oh my gosh! Happy anniversary, Shawn. I love you," you pull him in for a tight hug in excitement.

He holds you back. "I love you too, baby. Now get dressed."

"What? Why?" you ask. Could Shawn be taking you somewhere special?

He rises and starts to get dressed himself. "We have guests today." Of course he won't tell you who, determined to surprise you. "You might want to hurry, they could be here any minute. I let you sleep in."

You throw a pillow at him, which he dodges. "Of all the days to let me sleep in, you choose the day we have company?" You hurry to get dressed and do your makeup.

You're brushing your hair when the doorbell rings. Shawn rushes to get it before you can move.

You can hear voices laughing and chatting as finish making yourself presentable. Finally deciding this is as good as your rushed self I'd going to look today, you just hope your company is a couple of friends who won't care what you look like.

As you walk down the stairs, the voices grow quiet. As soon as you step into the room, you hear a loud, "surprise!"

In your living room is the Kliq, some of your best friends in the world. Kev, Scott, Paul, and Sean are all there standing with Shawn, who looks so happy.

"Guys!" you exclaim. You haven't seen them in so long. "I missed you!" You immediately run to hug each of them.

Phone calls and texts just didn't compare to actually seeing your friends all together. The last time you felt this blessed was when you were inducted into the Hall of Fame. The boys were all there for you then, too.

"Did you guys really come all this way for me?" you ask, in awe. Getting the entire Kliq together was a hell of a task.

"What, did you think we came out here for Shawn?" Kev laughed. Shawn protested that, but the others just joined in with the teasing.

"Shawn asked us to surprise you. It's been a while since we've all hung out. Are you ready to party?" Scott asked.

"I brought drinks!" Sean offered.

You laugh. "Of course I am!" How could you say no?

By the time the night is over, it was the best day you'd had in a while. Just laying back, relaxing, and shooting the shit with your old pals was more than you could have asked for.

After a lot of laughs and catching up it's finally time to bid your friends goodbye. You wave to them from the porch until you can't see them anymore.

Shawn wraps his arms around your waist, joining you out in the cool evening. "So?"

A grin creeps onto your face. "Best anniversary ever." You lean into him and wonder how you ever found someone you love this much.

Okay, I wasn't sure about this when 80s90sTeen requested it, but it turned out to be really fun! This is my first x reader oneshot, so don't be too harsh on me lmao. I hope it meets your expectations!
Also, it's Shawn's birthday today! Whoop whoop🎉

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