The First Survivor Series

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Sarah Katherine McMahon (OC)

If asked about Vincent Kennedy McMahon, some would say he was a cold man. A tough, unbreaking man. A man with a stick up his ass. He took no shit from his talent or anyone else, but he was not as harsh as some thought.

Deep inside, Vince had a kind heart.  Never was this more easily seen than with his young daughters. He brought them to the very first Survivor Series because he wanted to show them the spectacle that Wrestling could be.

They had loved Wrestlemania the past three years, and after all, it was Thanksgiving. That was the time of year meant to spent with the family, so Vince brought the girls along.

He would have brought his boy, too, but Linda insisted he stay home. It would be too much trouble, she said, and Shane had plans with his teenage friends anyhow. Typically she would have had the girls stay home for Thanksgiving dinner too, but she knew how badly Vince wanted to see them.

The girls were well loved by the men and women that worked for Vince, as they should have been. The pair were sweethearts, and unlike their father, they let it show outwardly.

Stephanie was just 11 and Sarah almost 12. They were so close in age and similar looking enough that they were often asked if they were twins. To be fair, they did act the part.

Vince, in the interest of fairness, would never admit to having a favorite child. However, it was clear that Sarah was truly the apple of his eye.

The girl had always taken an interest in the wrestling business, and as a third-generation promoter, Vince hoped at least one of his children would end up following in his footsteps. She was something special, a bright young girl.

Andre the Giant, in particular, made a good friend of the girls. The Eighth Wonder of the World was a gentle giant, and the girls were drawn to him. Andre was fond of the fact that they weren't scared of him, like some children. He would entertain them for hours.

The two had no problem spotting him in the crowd of wrestlers at the sitting area of the backstage. Flying from the protection of their father's side, they ran to go greet their best friend.

"Andre, Andre!"

Andre turned at the sound of the little voices he knew well. Crouching down as far as he was able, he caught them in a large hug.

The girls didn't know too much about the consequences of Andre's gigantism, but they knew well enough to be a little careful. Realistically, they couldn't hurt him, but Vince had warned them to be careful at Wrestlemania 3 and they took that to heart.

At Wrestlemania 3, Andre was just coming from back surgery and in a lot of pain. He felt better now, but the girls were still cautious.

The giant soon proved to them that there was nothing to worry about, as he lifted them one on each shoulder. From way up there, the girls thought their father looked like an ant.

Vince let them have their fun for a while before he told them he needed to get work done, so they had to leave Andre alone. He was going to have them walk around with him as he didn't want them to bother the giant.

"Ah, they can stay with me," Andre rumbled. Little girls did not need to be off running adult errands.

Vince knew well enough to let Andre have his way. Besides, he had trust in the man to watch them for a while.

Even if Andre ever did tire of them, they were plenty of other people around. The girls were at home with the many familiar faces. Many of the people around, they considered their "aunts" and "uncles".

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