It's Kat's Fault

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Shawn Michaels x Katherine McMahon (OC)

Circa 1997

"You know the beach is only about a mile from here, right?" Shawn asked rhetorically, gesturing with his beer bottle in the direction of the sea.

He, his girlfriend, and his best friend  were having a beer in their hotel room. It was one of the few times they had gotten Katherine to drink, and they only regretted it a little bit.

Katherine's eyes lit up. "Really? Oh, can we go tomorrow?"

Paul shook his head. "We have to be on the road in the morning," he told her. "Remember, we're headed to Norfolk?"

"Shit," she muttered. "I wanted to go see the ocean. It's been forever."

"Well," her boyfriend answered, "We could go tonight, I guess. If you're up for it."

Katherine jumped up in excitement and immediately stumbled. "Yes! Can we please?"

"If you're not too drunk," Shawn said under his breath, thinking she couldn't hear him. She was farther gone than either of the guys.

The woman in question put her hands on her hips. "I can hear you. And I'm not that drunk. I've only drank the same amount as you, and you're fine."

Paul snickered while Shawn started to explain. "Yeah, but Kat, you're a chick." When he realized he was only digging himself a bigger hole, he jumped to explain himself further. "One, you're smaller, and two, you haven't eaten anything."

Katherine couldn't argue with him. He was right, but she wasn't going to admit that. "I'm not even that drunk," she said again. "Let's gooo." She pulled on his arm in attempts to get him up faster.

She, of course, made no more of an impact than a fly. Shawn's arm didn't move an inch. "Let go, Kat. I was just joking. We can't go to the beach right now."

Being drunk in their hotel room was one thing. Being drunk at the ocean at ass o'clock was a whole different story.

Katherine gave him her puppy dog eyes in a last ditch effort to persuade him. When that didn't work, she turned to Paul. "Please?"

"Come on, Shawn." He clapped his friend on the shoulder. "This lady needs to see the ocean."

Shawn looked between the two of them. "You guys can't just gang up on me like that!" He took one more drink before deciding. "Fine, but this time it's not on me. It's Kat's fault."

"Yay!" Katherine cheered, already putting on her sandals.

The boys had to get ready as quickly as possible, because Katherine was unable to contain her excitement. They had to admit it was funny to see her that way, as she didn't often get as drunk as they did.

She was practically bouncing, asking them about the ocean the entire time they were in the elevator.

"It's water, Kat. Not that special," Shawn told her. She ignored him.

As soon as they got to the parking lot, Katherine hurried to their car. Or, at least, the car she thought was theirs.

Paul and Shawn watched with anticipation and glee as she set off the car alarm.

Katherine squealed as the alarm blared. "Shawn!"

"Hey, it's not me!" It was always Shawn's fault. "That's not our car!"

Katherine's eyes went wide with realization and she ran back to her friends. "So you just let me do that? What if I got arrested?" She asked, sitting in the correct car.

Shawn and Paul couldn't contain their laughter anymore.

"You're not getting arrested," Paul explained, turning the car on.

"Plus, that was hilarious," Shawn added.

Katherine smacked his arm, earning whines from her boyfriend.

It was almost too dark to see. It was well into the night and the guys knew damn well this was probably a bad idea.

But, hell, when weren't they off doing dumb, drunk things at midnight?

The beach was empty and quiet except for the ocean itself.

"I'll race you," Katherine giggled. Before they knew it, she was running down to the waves.

She stopped just where the water lapped at her toes and took in a deep breath, feeling the ocean air.

When Shawn caught up, he wrapped his arms around her waist and sat his head on her shoulder. The two of them gazed out toward where the sky met the sea.

"It's like it goes on forever," Katherine breathed.

Her boyfriend agreed. "I know. One day we should sail out there, as far as we can go."

"You'll both drown," Paul quipped. He stopped beside them.

"Oh, shut up," Shawn shot back. He looked back out at the sea.

After a while, he scooped Katherine up in his arms, despite her protests. He walked out into the waves until they were at his waist. The water was cold and the only thing illuminating it was the moon.

"Shawn, put me down."

"Okay." With a smirk, he dropped his girlfriend into the water. Then he ran like hell for the shore.

When she surfaced, she was madder than a hornet. "Michael Shawn Hickenbottom!" Whenever she used his full name, Shawn knew he was in trouble.

Paul nearly busted a gut watching her chase him around the beach. Shawn was a cocky son of a bitch, and he would wait until she got close enough and then sprint off again.

Finally Shawn stopped and actually caught Katherine. She squealed and demanded he put her down.

"Hey!" The shout scared all three of them. A flashlight shone on Paul, and then the two love birds.

Shawn let his girlfriend free so he could shield his eyes from the light.

"What are you kids doing out here?" The officer asked.

Shawn searched for an excuse. "Uhh..."

"Just admiring the view," Paul said.

"Are you kids drunk?"

The flashlight in his face made it hard to answer. "Yes, sir. A little."

"Call a cab to take you home. The ocean's dangerous at night; I don't want to have to fish up your bodies in the morning," the officer ordered. "You hear?"

"Yes, sir," Paul answered again.

The police officer left them alone after that. He didn't get paid enough to make sure they followed his advice.

"I can't believe we just got caught by the cops," Katherine whispered.

"Well it's you fault," Shawn told her.


"You're the one that wanted to see the ocean so badly. Are you happy?"

"Yes," she answered. Though sober Katherine would never have thought the trouble they got into all night was fun, drunk Katherine was having the time of her life.

She pulled Shawn's face down for a kiss. They were both wet and disgusting from the water and sand, but currently didn't care.

"Alright, you two, get a room," Paul said, "We need to go home before Kat gets us into more trouble."

"Not my fault!" Katherine protested.

Paul gave her a look. "We all agreed that anything that happened was your fault."

Katherine would not remember making that deal the next morning.

That was the way it went on the road. The three of them got into crazy adventures that none of them could seem to recall.

They wouldn't have it any other way.

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