Chapter Three

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"Have you seen anything like him?"

Dr. Alexi traced the stable current of his patient's vitals displayed on the hologram monitor with his eyes. Yui Hua was sound asleep and alive. He'd survived the surgery. He beat all the odds and pulled through.

The doctor sniffed, "No. This one is different. Definitely something we need to keep tabs on. Transfer him to the ICU and notify me once he's awake. We'll have to contact the higher ups once he's in more of a stable condition."

The nurse nodded diligently and wheeled Yui out of the procedure room. The doctor didn't know whether it was exhaustion that was calling him or just the side effects from working on the patient, but he collapsed into his office chair and allowed for his eyelids to close over his eyes.

What had happened in that room was...completely unexpected. He didn't know what to make of it just yet. The doctor had never worked on a patient of this caliber in all his years of work— no one in Bethel city had.

There was only one other person in the entire world like him, humanity's third and final great breakthrough.

Hyde Lefevre.

The man who changed everything; who nearly started a war between world leaders; and who is currently humanity's most lethal weapon.

And now they had one more.

Dr. Alexi had unknowingly just unleashed the second game changer, and with a shaky breath released, he moved for the phone.


Something cold dragged across my forehead gently and I opened my eyes at the touch of soft fingertips at my temple. A young brunette nurse stared down at me, dumbfounded. Her mouth opened and closed as she sat back, the wet rag laying forgotten on her lap.

"S-Sir," she failed to get the rest of her words out. Instead, she scurried away, sputtering for a 'Dr. Alexi' in her frenzied haste.

I pulled myself up and hissed at the sudden sharp pain that burned at the inside of my elbow. A bloodied IV needle hung off the edge of what I recognized as a hospital bed, torn from my arm as I sat up. I stared at it for a few moments while my mind reeled back into my memories, only to come up short.

Footsteps sounded from far away in the distance. She was returning, this time with another person. Five minutes later, the white curtain in front of me was pulled to the side as the duo entered the small space, closing the curtain behind them shortly after.

"Hello, Mr. Hua," a somewhat familiar face smiled down at me, "I'm Dr. Alexi, we met yesterday, if you remember? I take it you are very confused, but do not worry, everything will all make sense in time."

This man, Dr. Alexi, I had definitely met before, because I recognized him the second my eyes landed on his face.

"I'll answer any questions you have for me."

"Okay, can you start with why I feel like absolute shit?" I questioned.

"Of course. As you know, you've undergone a transfusion of a foreign DNA— the type of only found in the Horrors. It has naturally ransacked your system and took over all functions long term. Your compatibility with the combat machines will be successful due to this. All your senses: hearing, feeling, taste, touch, and smell; all of them have been heightened with the addition of new senses humans do not have."

"So..." I began, "You're saying I'm not human anymore?"

The doctor smiled despite the morbid revelation, "You are correct. You are far greater than humans could ever wish to be."

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