Chapter Twenty Four

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I didn't search for Lefevere after the talk with Santiago.

I did the opposite, actually. I continued to miss our morning trainings for an entire week and managed to avoid him entirely throughout the duration of that time. As a result, life was so much better. I had one more week until I could go back on missions and I passed the time by hanging out with Jess, Teejay, and even some of the guys from my squad.

After lunch, I retired to the dorm and made myself comfortable on my bunk while Jess and Teejay sat criss-cross-applesauce on his. We'd been idly talking about meaningless things, just enjoying each other's company for the time being.

"Fang," Jess began, and the tone that her voice took on made me sit up to properly face her. My face must have shown my sudden concern, because she quickly added in, "It's nothing to get worried over, so wipe that look off your face. Jesus."

"Anyways," Teejay urged impatiently.

Jess groaned, pulling an irritated face, "Anyway, we heard from some people in the Ranger Regiment that your group ran into a dangerous gang. Was it...was it...?"

I slumped down against the wall, "Yes, it was her."

Teejay looked grave, "Did you...?"

My fists curled up in my lap, "No."

The look that crossed his face was relief. The conversation died down after that. We were all equally affected by what that woman had done. It was clear that Jess and I shared common interests of wanting her dead, but Teejay...he was too forgiving.

"Oh, come on," Jess seethed, "she murdered them. Like they were less than animals!"

"I'm not saying that I've forgiven her for what she's done!" Teejay quickly interjected.

"Then what?!"

"I just...I just don't think that she needs to die. We can't stoop to her level. We have to be the bigger ones here."

Jess stared at him for a moment longer, disbelief and exasperation clear on her face. I sighed, massaging the bridge of my nose.

"We're not like her!" Teejay stressed, "Don't tell me you both want to be barbaric and murder her just the same?!"

"So you just want to let her walk free, everything all butterflies, sparkles, and dandelions?!" Jess hissed back.

Clearly they were getting heated, so I made a gesture to tell them to dial it down. The walls were pretty thin and our neighbors were probably hearing their raised voices. Jess shook her head at Teejay in disbelief before crawling out of bed and leaving the room, slamming the door on her way out.

Teejay turned to me, frowning.

"I'll take care of it," was all I said before following Jess out.

When I stepped out into the hall, she was leaning against the wall opposite to the door, her arms crossed against her chest. Jess followed my stride down the hallway, "Tell me I'm not the only one who wants to rip that bitch's head off."

"You are."

Before she could interject, I added, "But why do the dirty work, when you can just throw her into a den of Horrors and watch her suffer?"

Jess gave a considerate nod, "Ditto."


Standing on top of the roof of one of the smaller buildings within the walls of the base, I debated whether I was making the right decision. I'd found this particular spot a few days ago; though I didn't know for sure, the distance between the lamp post outside the wall from where I stood wasn't impossible for me to jump. I'd also figured out the time schedules of the guards who were on watch duty and found a moment where I could sneak out without being caught.

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