Chapter Twenty

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Sergeant Major Lefevere simply picked at his nails while I practically freaked out about his revelation in front of him. The questions flew out of my mouth, never ending, and I couldn't stop myself until he held a hand out to pause me, "I didn't agree to play twenty questions with you."


He interrupted, his perfect eyebrow arched up in an expression of amusement, "For now, you need to focus on your training. You probably just ran and did a few body weights here and there, but you need to keep your muscles warm by swimming or yoga to prevent burnout. Then you can gradually add in weights."

I nodded, but a burning question was on my mind and I had to get it out, "Have you seen any us?"

Lefevere gave me a hard look and I expected him to turn down the question like all the others, but he actually surprised me by answering, despite how short and abrupt it was, "Yeah."

That was all I was going to get. He allowed me a few minutes to rest and hydrate myself before we picked back up with another mile run.




I returned to my dorm room, soaked in sweat and muscles raw. My schedule allowed me two hours of free time before I needed to meet with my new squad, so I decided to grab a quick shower and a nap. Teejay was the only one in our dorm when I returned, so I asked him to wake me up if I slept through my alarm.

I woke up hours later with no recollection of where I was and what time it was. A snort sounded and Teejay looked over from his lounging spot on the bunk next to mine, "Don't worry, you still have five more minutes until your alarm goes off."

When I got up to stretch, I noticed that Jess had returned and was snoring under the covers above Teejay's bunk. I fell asleep in my cammies, so I just brushed my teeth, splashed some water into my face, and waved goodbye to Teejay on the way out.

The room I had to go to was two levels down from the training center and at the very end of the hallway. I had enough time to gobble up the small bowl of fruits I'd managed to grab from the mess hall before throwing it in a nearby trashcan. I walked into a classroom of some sort, four desks taken by men who looked to be half asleep. Everyone straightened when I opened the door, as if expecting someone else, but reverted back to their original selves once they realized that it wasn't anyone important.


I turned my head, just now noticing Wren sitting at the teacher's desk, his legs propped up lazily.

"Hey," I greeted in return, grabbing a seat, "I didn't know I'd be placed into your squad. What a coincidence. Sorry I'm late, by the way."

"Yeah, it was a struggle to steal you away from the other Sergeants after word got out that you were an Infini. But I won," he grinned happily, "now that you're here I guess we can get this started."

He sat up from his relaxed position, "Alright ladies! This here is Fang, he's a friend of mine that transferred over from the Rangers regiment. As cute and harmless as he might appear, he's actually a firecracker, so beware!"

I shot him an annoyed glance, but replaced it with a kind smile when everyone turned to look my way in curiosity. A beefy guy with dark hair shaved close to his head asked a question directed to me, "So you're the other Infini?"

"Yeah, want me to prove it?" I aimed my palm at him and smiled when he jumped back.

The room erupted in laughter at his reaction and he grumbled to himself as he turned back around to face the board.

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