FORMS ( closed )

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FOUNDER FORM: ( closed )

↳ why do you want to join this community?
↳ have you watched the show? or read the books?
↳ why should I even consider accepting you as a founder?
↳ write me a small writing sample, it may be about any character just as long as it's someone from anne with an e.
↳ what character do you see yourself as most? why?
↳ what can you offer to this account?
↳ what social medias do you have? preferably ones that have a groupchat so we can all talk.
↳ do you have any experience with communities?
↳ how active would you be?
↳ favorite character? why?
↳ any extra notes that you have.


↳ why do you want to join this community?
↳ have you watched the show? or read the books?
↳how active can you be?
↳ which character do you relate to the most? why?
↳ what can you offer to this community?
↳ favorite character? why?
↳ what social medias do you have? preferably ones that can have groupchats so we can all talk.
↳ extra notes that may want to add.


i won't be accepting everyone, so don't be upset if I don't accept you. I'll only add the people that I feel like they'll bring something to this community.

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