
580 12 2

Request by: no one

Name insert: Y/N

Warnings: none


  I walk with Jaeden to Finn's trailer. "Thanks Jaeden." I say with a grin, and I hug him.

  "No problem Y/N. Anytime." And with that, the dark brunette was off.

   I gingerly knock on the white door to the trailer that was marked with 'Finn Wolfhard; Richie Tozier' onto the side.


  I hear a knock on my trailer door and immediately get annoyed. The only person I want to see right now is miles away in (State/ Country).

  Nonetheless I get up and open the door. I'm greeted with the familiar head of h/c hair. "Y-Y/N?!" I ask giddily.

   "Yep. It's me." S/he says with a wide smile.

   "Okay. Best gift ever!" I exclaim and usher her/him inside.

   S/he laughs and walks inside. "Thanks Finnian."

    "No problem, beautiful/handsome." I reply to the laughing human being.

    "I'm not even attractive, shut up." They reply.

    "Yes you are. Now C'mere and watch this with me."

    "What is it?" They ask as their shoes gently hit the trailer floor.

    "It's a fan-edit of us." I say with a large grin.

    "Awww!" They reply before sitting next to me, and laying their head on my shoulder.

    A thought came to me as they did.

    I love this girl/boy.

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